By Keith Stern:
As a conservative Republican living in Vermont watching the progressives make this a state to exit I am following what is happening in New Hampshire and I am worried. Time is rapidly running out for your state. It could go the way of a progressive’s paradise as well. The leadership of the Republican party can be critical. With that said I want to put in my knowledge of Keith Hanson as a warning to you.
Related: Letter: Keith Hanson’s Vicious and False Allegations
I was a challenger to Phil Scott in the GOP primary. I was invited on Hanson’s show. Shortly after appearing I received an email from him. He wanted to be my campaign manager. He said he wasn’t doing it for the money, but rather to potentially become a campaign manager. He wrote up a contract and we agreed to the terms. He brought in Rebecca Bailey of whom I see he has been critical.
Unfortunately, almost from the beginning, he violated his contract. He wrote in the contract that within weeks he would provide lists of the responsibilities for both he and Rebecca. Many times Rebecca would be expressing her frustration because tasks were not being performed where Hanson had said he would handle them. Though he was asked for it several times he never produced the lists.
Then he became busy setting up his TV show and even more tasks were not getting done. Even though his contract stated that the radio show would be the only distraction from his duties to the campaign. It was quickly obvious that his attention was no longer on the campaign. Showing up at weekly meetings late three weeks in a row. With the final straw being his total disruption of the campaign to do the work he should have performed weeks earlier.
Keith was paid for December 2017, even though he was terminated and had the gall to try to extort another month’s salary from me. Even though he did nothing for the campaign in December. I told him I stand on principles and would not be intimidated by his threat of having a friend of Phil Scott represent him in a lawsuit against me to damage my campaign.
I could continue with more about his social media attacks towards my campaign after I was forced to fire him but I’d rather bring into this his slanderous and unprovoked attacks on Rebecca; to the point of posting on Facebook his ridiculous and completely unfounded allegations about her embezzling from the campaign.
If you were to make him your spokesperson he may be a good choice. If you put your hopes and future on Keith Hanson as the party chair I’m afraid you will be greatly disappointed. He has proven sufficiently to be morally bankrupt, ethically challenged, and someone who doesn’t take his responsibilities seriously.
For New Hampshire’s sake, I hope there is a competent and qualified person available.
Keith Stern
North Springfield VT