Illinois College Offers 'Space' to "Process" Mid-Term Elections - Granite Grok

Illinois College Offers ‘Space’ to “Process” Mid-Term Elections

child with blanket

Future leaders of the world matriculating at Elmhurst College in Illinois take heed. When you need a place to process those mid-term election results, to find your missing inner blue wave, the administration is there for you. 

“Our staff will have open office hours to provide a space to process the outcomes of the elections,” Elmhurst’s Office of Diversity & Inclusion, Office of Student Involvement, and Office of the Chaplain said in the email.

The same College administration that is, more likely than not, responsible for nurturing whatever progressive delusions have fashioned you into so incapable an individual of so little self-worth that a quiet moment with a hot chocolate is a pre-requisite to finding the footing so that you go on with your life.

“We will also have coffee, cider, hot chocolate, and some treats to offer you,” they continued. “We hope that you will join us if you need some extra support and resources throughout the day.”

I can only assume that there are woobies, binkies, blankets, and pillows. Blue ones. of course.
