Truth – words have meanings, especially in politics. Progressives don’t like our common language

by Skip

Or they should – but Progressives have always worked to denature, debase, denigrate, and re-define our common language.  Here’s a couple of examples to send them into orbit (Oooh!  Targets for Trump’s new branch of the US Military – the US Space Force?)

(H/T: Powerline) And of course, “gender” is one of the Progressives favorite “weapon of war” that seemingly has an inexhaustible source of rounds in their high capacity magazine. Hey, how can we put commonsense limitations on their First Amendment Right like they want to do to our Second Amendment Rights?  After all, Marx et al’s words have resulted in more innocent deaths than an American citizen with a gun.

Speaking of Rights, Progressives have a really bad history of claiming that something is a “Right” when it isn’t…


(H/T: Powerline)

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