Yesterday, HotAir! reported that Wal-Mart, that place where they take all those “people you see at” pictures, was selling clothing (online at least) with the message ‘Impeach 45.’ I guess you won’t be seeing anyone at Wal-Mart buying or wearing one. They Pulled the product page.
That’s a play on words. They don’t sell them in the store.
But I’m actually okay with the T-shirt because “Free Market Capitalism.” Take chances and let the people show you how they feel about your business choices. I guess someone at Wal-Mart had a sense of how the free market would respond. They’d punishWal-Mart for something someone added to their marketplace.
That’s a shame.
It’s nice to know at a reasonable distance who the truly dangerous people in society are before they get too close. It gives you time to prepare if they mark themselves as such so you can spot them from far away. An impeach 45 T-shirt would have been valuable to that end.
And it may be a bit premature, and I’m not holding my breath, but I hope their next sartorial foray into milking money from liberals is the Mexican Moses T-Shirt that says “Let my People In.”
It depicts a pan-sexual Socialist Mexican, un-separated “families” (some with MS-13 tattoos) crowded behind, pointing at the ICE agents on the US border.
Alternately, I think a real winner would be a T-Shirt that says “Undo – 44” or “Barack Who?”
Oh, and you can still get the shirt, just not at Wal-Mart. Old Glory sells them here if you’re interested. Old Glory also sells pro-Trump gear (go Capitalism) so Liberals can spot you from far away.
Sadly, they won’t avoid you but then you knew that when you put it on.