The old “loophole” argument is back at it again when it comes to voter fraud in NH. The “powers that be” who will not prosecute out-of-state voters have determined there is no law mandating a NH driver’s license to vote in NH. That is their current excuse.
This simpleton argument has no merit, but it does sound good – if you like out-of-state voters stealing a recent US Senate Seat election for Maggie Hassen.
Here is the specific language of RSA 654:1 regarding who can vote in NH.
654:1 Voter; Office Holder. –
- Every inhabitant of the state, having a single established domicile for voting purposes, being a citizen of the United States, of the age provided for in Article 11 of Part First of the Constitution of New Hampshire, shall have a right at any meeting or election, to vote in the town, ward, or unincorporated place in which he or she is domiciled. An inhabitant’s domicile for voting purposes is that one place where a person, more than any other place, has established a physical presence and manifests an intent to maintain a single continuous presence for domestic, social, and civil purposes relevant to participating in democratic self-government. A person has the right to change domicile at any time, however a mere intention to change domicile in the future does not, of itself, terminate an established domicile before the person actually moves.
The excuse NH officials use for allowing non-residents to vote in NH – and not at their legal domicile – is based on supposed conflicting language regarding NH driver’s licenses and residency. That nonsensical argument is a diversion.
According to the NH State Constitution Part 1 Article 11, a potential voter needs to have a domicile. A domicile is one’s single legal address. You cannot have a legal domicile without abandoning any previous domicile.
The 1972 Federal Court student voting case called NH, Newburger v. Peterson, says flat out that only “qualified” students can vote in NH. To be qualified to vote in NH still requires a legal domicile.
The issue of a domicile and driver’s license is an easy call. If you apply for a NH driver’s license – you have MANIFESTED and intent to make NH your legal domicile. It is only one of many ways of proving domicile. Voting in NH does not absolutely require a NH driver’s license. A current NH driver’s license shows a voter’s intent and legal status. The imagined conflict between the words “residency and domicile” involving a NH driver’s license is a scam and nothing more than a diversion, voter fraud supporters use to extend the time they can sway NH’s Federal elections. If this pathetic State of NH policy of having two distinct types of voter, one domiciled – one not, ever hits a Federal Court it will be game over.
The State of New Hampshire had better be able to show a Federal Court a compelling interest why letting non-citizens, who can easily and legally vote at home by absentee ballot, sway the results of Federal elections in this State is necessary.
What Federal Court could get away with allowing voters of 49 other states to pick and choose in which Federal Elections they want to vote simply because NH behaves unlawfully?
We still have a Fourteenth Amendment to the US Constitution no matter what NH judges and state officials say.
CNHT has caught these drive-by voters over-and-over again. Here are some examples:
One non-resident voter in Dover using an address the Dover Post Office could not deliver to was also registered to vote in Phoenixville, Pa. We also found she owned a condo in Egg Harbor, NJ. This same NH voter had applied for a “Fictitious Business Name” in Pa, days before voting here – using the Egg Harbor address as her legal residence. That Pa. form has a perjury clause as does our NH voter application. This “NH voter” can pick and choose which state she wants to vote in by keeping multiple residences. Can you?
Another Manchester, NH voter used an address in that city to vote in 2016, but with some of his businesses he uses North Carolina as his legal address. When arrested in Washington, DC this year – eleven days after voting Manchester – he gave DC Police an Alexandria, Va, address.
We are tracking another lawyer from out of state, while working on a campaign here, used two different addresses in NH. He recently voted absentee in the Manchester, mayoral race, November 7, 2017 – four days before renewing his law license in his home state – where is law office is located. We just got returned, undeliverable mail from one of his two NH addresses – waiting on the others.
So how do these out-of-state voters, and thousands like them, manifest an intent to do anything but steal your legal NH vote?
When New Hampshire officials signal that they will not prosecute voter fraud they only encourage more.