Project Veritas – well, James & crew have gotten some attention but from the wrong people?

by Skip

Or is it the ANGRY people?  Like the people knocking on Grokster Mike’s door one night and and my picture fell out of a folder and threatened to arrest James O’Keefe if they could get their sticky fingers on them?  Yeah, these people:

NH AG conserve video to Project Veritas

(Click to embiggen)  The question is WHY and WHOM might they be investigating?  Remember, those of us on the Right, when we saw the videos last Primary Day and then this Primary Day was “how easy it is for drive by voting by the Dems – and how election officials were condoning / enabling it”.  It’s like the latter folks almost already had blinkers on.

But these folks, the NH Attorney General Elections folks, weren’t concerned with the enablers that are supposed to uphold the law – they went after James O’Keefe.  They said for Voter Fraud – we believe it was because “the Establishment” got embarrassed by some upstart now PIA.  So they decided a course of action: payback.

Guess who got the last laugh?  

Ayup, at it again – and worse than before (especially for campaign workers and The State).  Once again, a mockery has been made and the butt of it ain’t happy. So now the AGs office wants the video “preserved” as “the video footage is evidence in an ongoing investigation”.

Like I said above: investigation on WHO and WHY?  I would not put it past the AG’s office, given the absolute disdain that they have had over the years to investigate Voter Fraud, to be trying an end around to come back for a second attempt at a bite in the butt – of Project Veritas.  Not the campaigns and not the election officials trying to turn a blind eye every which way shown in the film.

E.g., going after the whistleblowers and not them that made that whistle blow.

My advice?  Make’em do the subpeona and state what they are looking for.  Make them hew to the proper procedure TO A T.  Decisions have consequences and the AG decisions of last cycle should be incorporated into calculus of Project Veritas this time. No skimming of the process and no cutting corners – for that puts things into dark corners (possibly) when others cannot see. Or would the AG’s office trying not to be absolutely open and transparent?

Let us know what what is being sought – who has the microscope and who is under it?  Who is the bad guy in all this – and most of all, is the AG’s office FINALLY going to say (and do) “time to really enforce the law!”.  After all, James O’Keefe was only doing investigative journalism but was cast as “the bad boy” last time – how many time does this have to be repeated before those in power either are exposed or get an steel rod spine transplant to decide “no more – the NH vote must be protected and perceived as being pristine”.


  • Skip

    Co-founder of GraniteGrok, my concern is around Individual Liberty and Freedom and how the Government is taking that away. As an evangelical Christian and Conservative with small "L" libertarian leanings, my fight is with Progressives forcing a collectivized, secular humanistic future upon us. As a TEA Party activist, citizen journalist, and pundit!, my goal is to use the New Media to advance the radical notions of America's Founders back into our culture.

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