I bet these Democrats wished that Al Gore had never invented the Internet – Biden on Supreme Court nomination

by Skip

Ayup, we’re seeing all KINDS of Democrats who, back in the day (like 2006, 2007), were against the President nominating someone for the Supreme Court.  Of course, it was a Republican President doing the nominating – like then US Senator Joe Biden:

Ayup, the message is clear: a sitting President should not nominate in the last year because: NEXT PRESIDENT! But boy, are the Democrats showing their hypocrisy big time.  And this is the problem – Consistency. And in this case, the lack there of.  Which proves one thing:

No Principles

Yes, in politics there is always going to be some amount of wiggle,  shading but to shameless go about screaming against then what you’re screaming to have done now?  Sadly, this is the state of politics – and why we see the rise of Trump on the Right and Bernie on the Left.   I “get” the Party differences but people want Consistency.  Government only works when the process is the same for the Rs as it is for the Ds.  And yes, any reader of the ‘Grok understands that we go after anyone that isn’t Consistent.

For not being Consistent allows me to go: are you lying now or lying then?  You did lie – we’re just trying to nail down the When.  And as our eyes and ears tell us, the lie was told.  The question is, which should we believe?

And the better question is:  if you lied, why should we believe you know?  I’m as partisan as anyone, but don’t lie to me.  Ever.  I’m not one that is only about the Win and I am betting that a LOT of people are just like me in that Character matters.  Lie to me and I will work against you – and some NH politicians have found out the bad way that we mean what we say.

So which is it, Dems?  No nominee or nominee?  OK, Repubs, which will you stand on – then or now?  Will you show loyalty to your base or once again, show us that you’re two-faced?  Stand or fold?  Spine or spineless?  Can we Trust your word or not?

Who do you believe you are accountable to?

(H/T: Powerline)

Oh yeah, this:

KURT SCHLICHTER: Hey GOP Senators, This Is It – No Hearings No Votes. “The reaction of Mitch McConnell was a pleasant surprise. After rolling over again and again, it seems to have dawned on Mitch that we conservatives are done with a submissive Senate going Gimp every time Obama demands something. Spending, Obamacare, illegal immigration – the GOP hasn’t been seemed to be able to draw a line, much less hold one, and we conservatives have been wondering why we even bothered to retake the Senate in 2014. But now our right to freely exercise our religion, our right to keep and bear arms, and even our right to criticize politicians like Hillary Clinton are at stake. There’s nowhere left to retreat to. Back, meet wall.”


  • Skip

    Co-founder of GraniteGrok, my concern is around Individual Liberty and Freedom and how the Government is taking that away. As an evangelical Christian and Conservative with small "L" libertarian leanings, my fight is with Progressives forcing a collectivized, secular humanistic future upon us. As a TEA Party activist, citizen journalist, and pundit!, my goal is to use the New Media to advance the radical notions of America's Founders back into our culture.

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