Guest Post by former NH State Senator Fenton Groen: “Why I support Cruz”


Hello Friend,

Tomorrow we in NH have the privilege to cast our votes in the first in the nation primary. I hope you will join me in voting for Senator Ted Cruz. I believe Ted Cruz has the ability to lead our country back to traditional conservative values in the way that Reagan did after the disastrous Carter years.

Early in the primary process I had the opportunity to hear and/or meet many of the republican candidates. Last summer I threw my enthusiastic support behind the man who most distinguished himself as a genuine conservative with proven backbone to take on the establishment in both parties.

Key factors in my decision were:

  • BACKBONE – as a freshman senator in DC he stood up for the conservatives values he was elected to represent even when he had to stand against the establishment leadership of his own party. HE WILL STAND FOR THE VALUES HE BELIEVES IN. He has proven that!
  • CONSTITUTIONAL CONSERVATIVE – as a constitutional lawyer, as a Texas Solicitor General, as a senator and as a candidate he has clearly articulated constitutional values that I believe in and that our nation was founded on.

  • FISCAL CONSERVATIVE & REFORMER – Cruz knows we are risking our nation and selling out our children and grandchildren with our reckless spending and exploding debt. He has a plan and the guts to take on special interests to reduce spending and reduce corporate welfare. And he supports a simple flat tax (not the Canadian style VAT tax he has been accused of supporting) that will reduce cronyism and eliminate or drastically shrink the IRS.
  • SOCIAL CONSERVTIVE – Cruz firmly opposes abortion and stands for life, will fight to protect the religious freedom guaranteed by the first amendment of our constitution and will stand for traditional family values and against political correctness.
  • NATIONAL DEFENSE – He understands the threats we face from Radical Islamic Jihadists, is willing to name them and is committed to defeat them decisively. He will support our military to do they job they need to do!

Finally, he clearly articulates his Christian faith and is willing to publicly talk about it how it affects his views and leadership. He believes in religious freedom for all but recognizes the fact and the importance of our nation’s Judeo-Christian heritage.

Dear friend, I urge you, first of all, to participate in the privilege of helping select our nation’s next president. And I truly hope you will join me in supporting Senator Ted Cruz in tomorrow’s primary.

God be with you,
Fenton Groen
Former NH State Senator


  • Skip

    Co-founder of GraniteGrok, my concern is around Individual Liberty and Freedom and how the Government is taking that away. As an evangelical Christian and Conservative with small "L" libertarian leanings, my fight is with Progressives forcing a collectivized, secular humanistic future upon us. As a TEA Party activist, citizen journalist, and pundit!, my goal is to use the New Media to advance the radical notions of America's Founders back into our culture.

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