Brazen. Unashamed. Selfish. Proud, even, of Bernie supporter, Erin Billbray, of the absolute willingness to take the hard earned money from those that they are now targeting. I just watched this clip from Fox Business Network anchor Stuart Varney interview this thief and just couldn’t believe the absolute ease of how the phrase “redistributing the income in this country” rolled off her lips. She makes Varney’s point of “taking it off me” for him – unabashedly and not a whit of regret:
“I really believe in his vision for the working class, expanding the middle class, and redistributing the income in this country,” proclaimed Bilbray, who has committed to supporting Sanders at the convention.
This is technically slavery – making others work for you and your desires and wants for free. These Communists / Socialists (yes, it is all about “From each according to his ability, to each according to his need”) are all about destroying the Right to Private Property. This is a pillar of maximal individual Liberty – destroy that idea and freedom will die. Why?
If you cannot be sure that what you have worked for will remain your’s, it never was your’s in the first place. If government can swoop in and take something from you, that is tyranny. Look, we all need to contribute to a limited government that does things well, but my Lord, the Federal government has become nothing BUT a wealth distribution Ponzi scheme with over $1 Trillion of wealth transfers already – and they want to make it worse?
At BEST, it is thievery at the point of a pen – the willingness to take from others for yourself – she proves it is about taking it for her own self-interest instead of EARNING it for herself. Instead, it is all about them as she said:
“I’ve got two young daughters, and I know their college is going to be paid for,” she said. “And so I’m very happy about that.”
And he asks THE question about the morality of their confiscation – my only lament is that he didn’t follow up properly and MAKE her address and answer the question:
“Do you think it’s moral that I, as the father of six, grandparent of nine, 67 years old, works five or six days a week, 12 hours every day, you think it’s moral for me to lose 6 cents on every 10 cents that I earn? And Bernie Sanders and Hillary Clinton want more. Explain the morality of that, will you?” Varney inquired.
(H/T: Conservative Tribune)
(and yes, the morality is that when you target people simply because their skills, time, effort, and work ethic have given them wealth that
I did the transcript – more commentary:
Varney: Bernie Sanders lost to Hillary Clinton in Nevada Saturday. Erin Billbray is with us. She is a Democrat National Committee superdelegate; she is a Bernie Sanders supporter. You lost. Five points, but you lost. Bernie…I don’t think Bernie fired everybody up enough to get the turnout up because the turnout was low. What’s your reading on the loss?
Billbray: Well, I disagree. I think he fired up everybody. Um, if you remember a few weeks ago Bernie Sanders was supposed to be 20 points down here in Nevada and he fired up the crowd. We had…my own caucus there were lines for an hour long to get in and unfortunatey a lot of working class people had to go back to work and they had to leave. Um, and this race became still very tight. Remember, this was supposed to be Hillary Clinton’s firewall and that’s not how it worked out at all. They are still fired up and ready to go in Nevada.
Varney: But you are a superdelegate committed to Bernie Sanders and you will vote for Bernie Sanders at the convention; is that correct?
Billbray: That’s my plan, yes it is. I really believe in his vision for the working class, expanding the middle class, and redistributing the income in this country.
Varney: OK, alright, you’re going to take it off me and give it to somebody else. I got it. OK. Now, young votersBillbray: No, no, no, that’s not what I’m saying. I’m saying we’re going to be more fair and equitable.
It is ALWAYS about that word: equitable. It is their sole answer to everything. After all, it sounds SO FAIR, doesn’t it? But in practice, it isn’t. Our founding documents NEVER promised things to be equal in outcome, only equal before the Law. Here, we see this Democrat all OK in nicking Varney and others like him because, well, they earn too much. It’s the Progressive “tell”: you don’t need that.
Equitable coming out of their mouths mean two things:
- WE should be in control of you
- WE’re certainly going to take your stuff
It continues
Varney: C’mon, c’mon, let’s not beat around the bush. He is going to take it off me. I already pay 60 percent of my income in taxes, and he wants more. Please, don’t confuse the issue, he is going to take it off me and give it to somebody else. If you think that’s OK, that’s fine with me. I don’t. Let me move on,.
And ‘nother question they can never answer is how much is enough – except Bernie has said exactly that: 90%. Get that? 90 cents out of the dollar he and this thief belongs to them. Because. Why? I need it more than you do:
Billbray: Well, I’m actually a working class mom and I’m really excited about his tax plan. I know that I’m going to be paying less for my insurance premiums and my healthcare is going to be covered. “I’ve got two young daughters, and I know their college is going to be paid for and so I’m very happy about that.”
Of COURSE you are you twit! The significance of robbing someone else to serve your needs is never uppermost – only the evil rubbing of hands in thinking “lookie at the booty I’m going to be getting!” Selfishness and envy – good to know what your Masters are.
Varney: “OK. I’ve got six kids, nine grandchildren, and I don’t like paying 60 percent of my income in taxes, and I’m damned if I’m going to pay any more. Let me move on. Young voters, indeed, they are flocking to Sanders but let’s listen to what Hillary said to them on Saturday. Roll tape:
Hillary: It can’t be just about what we’re going to give to you. It has to be about what we’re going to build together…Everyone of us has a role to play in building the future we want and we need you to be part of that exciting journey we can make together.
And with that ANYONE who believes that Hillary is any different ideologically than Bernie ought to have their heads examined. Remember, she continues to be an accolyte of Saul Alinsky, the Communist that we talk about all the time here. He was the person responsible for giving these folks the Street Tactics for the HAVE-NOTS against the HAVES – and that is what Socialism is all about.
Varney: OK, she said it, it’s not all about we can GIVE to you. Your response.
Billbray: Well I think that any intelligent person would tell you that it works both ways. If we’re going to have a striving strong country then we also need to participate and work hard but we also need to make sure that these Milleniums have a future to look forward to. And you said you had children and grandkids; I think you would want the same thing. We need to make sure that….
Varney: Yes, I want to get back to this. I’m serious, I really have to get back to this because this is very, very important to me. It goes beyond economics – it concerns morality. Do you think it moral that I, as the father of six, grandparent of nine, 67 years old, works five or six days a week, 12 hours every day, you think it’s moral for me to lose 6 cents on every 10 cents that I earn? And Bernie Sanders and Hillary Clinton want more. Explain the morality of that, will you?
Bilbray: Well, I, I, I wasn’t prepared to that we were going to be having a discussion about morality but since you want to do that, I’m, I’m happy to do that. What I don’t think is moral is when my friend calls me and we went to Bishop Gorman High School together here in Las Vegas and she has become a widow, had some terrible things happen to her, she’s working at WalMart and she calls me and says “they have just moved me 30 hours to 12 hours. I needed more hours, not less. What am I going to do? To me, that’s immoral. responded by telling Varney that it’s “immoral” that people cannot find jobs with good hours and livable wages.
Sorry, teh anecdote doesn’t wash here. She CAN’T talk about the morality – there is no basis on which she can answer. She won’t answer Varney’s question directly, she HAS to deflect and only talk about the “other side” of the equation – unequal outcomes. To Billbray, that’s all that counts, that her means (and Bernie and Hillary’s) to the end is justified.
It doesn’t matter if people on the front end are hurt, only the HAVE-NOT “victims”.
Varney: Do you think that’s got something to do with Obamacare?
Billbray: We have people who want to work hard in this country and they don’t have anywhere to go. There’s not good paying jobs. That’s immoral when there is SO much wealth in corporations like in Walmart and Wall Street. That’s immoral.
Varney: and me. Yeah, take it off me. Erin, I don’t mean to get hot under the collar but you struck a nerve.
Heck, he was mild compared to what I would have said in that same circumstance. And while I know that timing is everything, I would have continued to get her to answer the actual question that she failed to answer.
Funny, these thieves NEVER want to answer the question – they know they have no good reasoning to back them up other than the self-important believe that they have better uses of your money than you do. Remember, it IS personal when it is YOUR money they are taking. Not only that, when Billbray talked about Walmart and Wall Street, it isn’t about monolithic companies – the shareholders may be wealthy as in the Walton family of Walmart but there are ALSO millions of elderly that have invested in shares to help them in their 401Ks and retirement funds – so does Erin Billbray really want to screw them over, too, just because she wants them to pay for her kids college bills and her healthcare?
This is why socialism is the government of envy; it uses the emotions of greed and envy as a separator between Americans. It can only take as those of us who have watched history and never seems to give (e.g., Soviet Union, China, Venezuela, Cuba). Those that are supposed to be the “beneficiaries” only share in the predictable “shared misery” – the promised Utopia never arrives (but there is never a shortage of scapegoats to be found).
You also see in that last exchange that they believe other peoples’ property belongs to them – it is UNFAIR that other people have more than they do. It is UNFAIR that Life isn’t FAIR. So Progressives say that this is a rich country, a wealthy country, they never consider that Government has already wasted $20 Trillion and not accomplished the goal. Instead, they really do see other peoples’ wealth as belonging to everyone. And act accordingly. It never, EVER belongs to just one person. The evil communitarianism at work. Envy and greed. Full stop.
They NEVER consider that corporations (outside of Crony Capitalism, but that is another post) are only wealthy because they serve people. These same people willingly and voluntarily give their money to them only because people believe they get value from spending their money. Once they do, the companies stop being wealthy (e.g., Walmart having to close stores?). They never consider (or is it a feature), that Government NEVER has to give something of value or ask voluntarily for your money.
It simply takes it and takes it at the behest of those pushing the levers of power.
Socialists believe that everyone else is responsible for their well-being. And that last bit (“they don’t have anywhere to go.”) makes the point the we all HAVE to have Government take care of everyone because EVERYONE is nothing but a helpless, hapless victim that can’t do for themselves. And those EVIL corporations – no good paying jobs….