Well now, one of the original feminests, Gloria Steinem, finally admits the truth.
Whenever the argument comes up between pro-death and pro-death, the normal argument that comes up is around incest and rape – the edge of the cliff. Always to the extreme of their end where they plant their flag and always, always to move the moral argument to the illogical end of “how can you make that poor innocent girl SUFFER! You cold hearted b*******!”. And then walk away, smug (but always willing to haul out that “just a blob of tissue” silliness w/out ever admitting that they were such once.
Nope, she came clean said what most of us on the pro-life side know to be true most of the time:
“I wouldn’t have been able to live my life otherwise.”
Selfish. There is no other word for it.
Reformatted, emphasis mine:
Famed feminist Gloria Steinem said Tuesday that the abortion she underwent after college allowed her to live her life freely. “It gave me my life,” she told PBS host Tavis Smiley. “I mean, I wouldn’t have been able to live my life otherwise.”
That side never wants to acknowledge the personal decision was made to behave in such a way that a baby could be created. That a new life was now living. No, it is the selfish – *I* need to have primacy over my baby (and they’ll use every wording possible to keep from telling the truth – a new baby that is DIFFERENT from theirs (hey, SCIENCE!). It is different than the girl or woman – right down through the cells down into the nuclei. It isn’t her body – it is someone else’s.
But hey, life should not have consequences – to the Left, one should never have to live up to their decisions. Consequences? Socialize it – or flush it. Dispose of it. Make it of no consequence. It is the Progressive way summarized in the phrase “fine for me but not for thee” – it is ALWAYS about me, Me, ME! What I think, what I feel, what I need, and what I want. NOW, if not faster and anyone else be damned.
Especially a baby.
Sidenote: I dryly note that one on hand, this most Progressive administration keeps telling pregnant moms to not drink, drug, or smoke; “it will hurt your baby”. Otherwise, just go right down to your neighborhood Planned Parenthood abortatarium and we’ll see to it that taxpayers pick up the tab – see, NO Consequence!
And then she goes full hate-male, PC feminist rant – I chuckled at this chuckleheaded line
Her story prompted Mr. Smiley to ask about the Planned Parenthood controversy following a series of undercover videos released by the anti-abortion group Center for Medical Progress, Newsbusters reported. “[The attack] is part of an ultra right-wing attempt to restore the basis of patriarchy or a male-dominant system and the necessity of a long-term racist system which is controlling reproduction,” Ms. Steinem said. “And to control reproduction, you have to control the bodies of women.
No, not only do the pro-death folks wish to diminish the humanity of a baby, they have to demonize those of us who believe in self-responsibility and that it means you make a decision, you live with the consequence of that decision. You man-up and take your lumps (to riff off her PC sophistry). But I have to hand it to her – haven’t heard such a PC laden load of crap in a single sentence in a long time. And know that it’s wrong in pretty much everyway. But, it does give them excuses and continues the downward spiral that they are victims of pretty much everything, doesn’t it? She hit all the Leftism language: attack, right-wing, patriarchy, domination, RACISM! Shotgun everything and you’ll get a hit somewhere, I guess that reasoning goes.
And then continues to get it wrong:
“The government shouldn’t intervene. Politicians don’t make this decision.
Actually, you and your so-journers on the Left have MADE that happen. After all, what else is Obamacare but Government intervention? After all, what is Planned Parenthood and other abortion providers without tax subsidies and payments? And who made that happen but you who have gotten down on your knees pleading to politicians to pass the laws and sign the Government checks to make that happen.
Sorry, deary, that logic don’t wash. You KNOW that once that happens, the government recceeds and politicians ignore this social issue turned fiscal issue, the jig is up.
But she is absolutely wrong:
But there are people on the other side who firmly believe the contrary and that this is — and it is, in fact — the beginning of the hierarchy they believe in,” she said.
Naw, the “hierarchy” is just B.S. but I will agree that I DO want government to stay out of it – completely, entirely, and without reservation. You want an abortion, fine – but all of this hoo-hah is around making me pay for it. Withdraw government from this issue and a lot of my interest goes away because you will have removed my involuntary involvement in it. Sure, I will still have a hard time with it, but I DO agree with you – remove government from this area of Civil Society.
“So the question is, who controls a woman’s body? Herself, which seems to me a requisite of it’s a basic human right. It’s a requisite of democracy. But without controlling reproduction, you lose control of nationalism, which has two pillars, which is territory and population. You lose the ability to decide how many workers, how many soldiers, what class, what race and so on.”
Again, the science is clear – you should control your body but you should NOT endanger that new life, that OTHER body that is not “you”. No amount of alternative wording can change the fact that it is a baby that you helped to create – a life completely different than your’s.
The rest of that paragraph is sheer nonsense but I guess it passes the Political Correctness test on other levels. Still, it’s pretty much just a set of words strung together; at the surface level it MIGHT sound cerebral but once you start drilling down to the next set of levels, well, it’s rather devoid of meaning. But then again, the Left is always happy to throw a lot of dots into the air and declare that everything is depending on everything else so everything is correct in their world vision, I guess.
But with her, that baby never gets to have the vision to see the world, does it?