Oh yeah: National Debt Ceiling is coming up


debt -generational debt that is

The national debt ceiling is maxed out and the vote is coming up on whether to increase it.  I’ve already heard / read that a bill may be getting ready that duplicates the Iran Nuke bill but for the debt – again, the Congress may totally toss out its power and responsibilities and hand Obama total control over increased spending and that Congress would have to have a 2/3rds vote NO to stop him (instead of CONGRESS determining what the spending should be and must decide YES with a majority).  Why bother having a Congress at all if all they are going to do is emasculate themselves simply to “have consensus and be able to govern” (note to idiots – that ain’t “governing”)?  Especially in light of what came out of the Dems’ Prez debate the other night for spending that would make Obama look like a piker?

Anyways, how will our NH Federal Delegation vote?

First part is easy – I already know how the Democrat half of the NH’s Delegation is going to vote,  They’ve never rejected any spending that I know when it comes to Big Government in toto. This is a no-brainer (after all neither Annie Kuster or Jeanne Shaheen could EVER be adjudicated to be that now extinct species of Democrat – A Blue Dog Democrat.  Fiscally frugal, gung-ho for American defense, but socially liberal.  Nope, these are both full blown Progressives / incremental Socialists that would have fit right in on the Dem Debate last week). But that leaves the other half – the Republicans.  So, back to Rep Frank Guinta (R-CD1, NH) and Senator Kelly Ayotte (R-NH).

So while I had Guinta’s CoS on the line, I asked (he did say to call and talk about anything at anytime, so, I did) – WWFD: “what will Frank do?”. Yes we did talk a couple of hypotheticals.  Sorta fun (maybe), sometimes amusing, but it drifted from the Principle for Republicans – limited government shouldn’t mean increasing debt; the two are incompatible.  So in the end, I zeroed in on that – foundational Republican Principle does not support increased spending nor debt.  Forget this being embedded in another “must pass” bill or in yet another CR because Congress can’t get the job done – would Frank vote FOR an increased national debt ceiling?

No, I’m letting it be known here that any embedding like the above hypothetical is a stupid idea. Also, I’m not at ALL interested in playing the game of “a wee bit of increase for a spending cut swap.  Why?

Nope, not going to support anyone that goes there.  There is a reason why the Rs have the “Stupid Party” moniker – we’ve seen this “hide the ball” play before and each time, the Rs end up being Charlie Brown to the Dems’ Lucy and football.  Tell me, WHEN has the swap for more now and less later EVER worked out – ever???

You’re right on the first guess – NEVER.  That’s the mark of Right leaning politicians that want it both ways, knowing it will only be one way later on.  Those cuts NEVER happen – EVER!  It’s a fools bet but the Republicans keep going “sure – it is the ESSENCE of bipartisanship; we’ll reach across the aisle” (as Kelly Ayotte is oft fond of saying).

So, answer from Frank?  Er, no answer again – not even on Principle.  But we kinda got that (else why have I written about him so much in the past?) already.

So, I did try to get answer from Kelly Ayotte. Specifically, her office in DC where a nice young man by the name of John answered the phone.  I identified myself properly and asked for the press office – that would be Liz Johnson and right into her voice mail I went.

At this moment, I’m betting that the answer will be “no answer” or “don’t know yet”.  But I have to get a call back FIRST to know that.

Or it will be “no answer”

What a way to be “representing”, eh?


  • Skip

    Co-founder of GraniteGrok, my concern is around Individual Liberty and Freedom and how the Government is taking that away. As an evangelical Christian and Conservative with small "L" libertarian leanings, my fight is with Progressives forcing a collectivized, secular humanistic future upon us. As a TEA Party activist, citizen journalist, and pundit!, my goal is to use the New Media to advance the radical notions of America's Founders back into our culture.

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