That was the headline at Breitbart / National Security. I was at lunch when Bibi Netanyahu, Prime Minister of Israel spoke (after the jump) at the UN during this “terrorist” / backslapping self-congratulations over the “Iran will never get a nuke” conference. I was mesmerized over how he constructed that speech and thought that his 45 seconds of silence was an absolute condemnation of the UN on a country it created in response to the Holocaust of WWII – and in my estimation, what seems to be the road to Holocaust 2.0:
“Seventy years after the murder of 6 million Jews, Iran’s rulers promise to destroy my country, murder my people, and the response from this body, the response from nearly every one of the governments represented here has been absolutely nothing,” Netanyahu said. “Utter silence. Deafening silence.”
But I draw your attention to the words of President Obama over the shooting at Umpqua Community College and the unfortunate tragedy that is. Although I heartily disagree with his premises and his continued implication that we are less of a country because we won’t act like other countries.
Sidenote: yet another Progressive that thinks Europe is superior to the US; if you really think that, just GO there and leave the rest of us alone instead of continuously trying to drag us into being a socialist country where their freedoms and Rights pale in comparison to ours. I reject that “safety & security” should trump Freedom
Yet, isn’t he being two-faced as Obama has almost single-handedly engineered a radical theocracy to obtain a nuke even though they have threatened to wipe Israel off the map for decades? Wouldn’t that be the same thing, writ large?
And while Obama is blaming law abiding folks for not kowtowing to his will on guns (and his “common sense” new laws will only make sense to Progressives and gun grabbers while punishing the rest of us), will he take the inevitable responsibility when the attempt to kill all the Jews, again, succeeds? Is Obama ready to take responsibility for the inevitable nuclear arms race that WILL happen in the Middle East that will now start?
Hardly – and he’ll have no Constitution to stand on for his actions with Iran because he’s done EVERYTHING to bypass it (again).