EMail Doodlings – whereby David Zebuhr of Gilford proves himself “Smugger than thou”


Smug electric car ownersAyup, the example that proves the point and David Zebuhr ran full tilt into it.  Spending time out in San Diego last week, it was clear to see this ‘tude up close and personal – moral superiority weaponized.  There can be no discussion, there can be no debate – Zebuhr makes the Progressive end point clear:

From: “David Zebuhr” <>
Date: Oct 7, 2015 4:25 PM
Subject: Road Usage Fee
To: {all the NH State Senators}

I am calling for the resignation of Rep. Norman Major, R-Plaistow on the basis of his clear and strong demonstration of his dementia.  There is nothing even remotely rational or moral about his “Road usage fee”  that is a steep tax specifically and exclusively against those who have the temerity to register vehicles that fail to guzzle large quantities of gasoline How, even in Alice’s wonderland of ever increasingly corrupt government, can he possibly sell this ironic-to-the-point-of-lunacy idea and still claim to be a responsible representative of his constituents, unless of course his real constituency is Big Oil?
David M. Zebuhr  52 Marjories Walk, Gilford, NH  03249  603-998-0617

And that point is NOT democracy in action where different ideas are discussed, argued, cajoled before being passed in legislation (or not).  Nope, Zebuhr’s true Progressive zealot goes for the kill shot – the silencing of the other side. There can be no dissent and there can be no sliver left open to bring up alternative ideas. The Left call us on the Right for being “extreme” – but how extreme can it be to advocate to take some one off the political table from the get-go?  Isn’t that the height of “demented” outlook on political life?  Smug falls so far short of describing this lunacy.

Bozo, though, for thinking that the NH State Senators could actually get Norm dismissed (Hahahaha – fool!).  But then, again, it seems to be par for the course – rant, rave, and get the process totally wrong.  Does he really think Norm even cares?  After all, Zebuhr isn’t even in his district!  And Norm is not a freshman – his actual constituents keep putting him back in.

Now, I am NOT in favor a road usage fee – especially if it is via a GPS type of device.  To me, that is a gross invasion of my privacy – there is no need for Government to know where I go to and fro (truth be told, I resent the idea highly).  Roads do have to be kept up and some pricing mechanism has to be applied for things that touch rubber to the road. But tracking citizens is not it.  Zebuhr isn’t even arguing on this point, however – he just doesn’t want to be penalized for paying more for a car than he should have simply because GREEN!  And with that comes the attitude of “how DARE you tax me more for being self-righteousness for my GAIA worship!”.  Silly creature – the tax man is going to get us all, one way or another.  Remember, the tax man that gave you your tax credit is now acting like Obama to which I remind you of the one Obama constant – ALL of his political promises have had expiration dates and now you have met yours version.

But if a Democrat proposed it, I wouldn’t be threatening their political career in the manner that Zebuhr is acting.  No, you fight in the Arena of Ideas – and not pulling out the Political Machete. To which I point out, Government has created this very problem that is boomeranging onto itself.  After all, without Government mandating high MPG standards, would electrics / hybrids even be a thing?  It is an artificially created, Government mandated, distortion of the marketplace and now we see the unforeseen consequences of saying “Goodness: high MPG” without considering the ramifications with this being just one.

THIS is not the action of a “responsible” citizen – this is the action of a self-righteous, holier-than-thou, willing to go “ad hominem” and smear someone that disagrees with you poor little person.

Suck it up, buttercup and remember this – your electricity is most likely still coming from fossil fuels.  Which means that you’re no better than the rest of us.  So knock it off and apologize for your ill tempered, childish, outburst.


  • Skip

    Co-founder of GraniteGrok, my concern is around Individual Liberty and Freedom and how the Government is taking that away. As an evangelical Christian and Conservative with small "L" libertarian leanings, my fight is with Progressives forcing a collectivized, secular humanistic future upon us. As a TEA Party activist, citizen journalist, and pundit!, my goal is to use the New Media to advance the radical notions of America's Founders back into our culture.

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