Many have already said this but it bears saying again: America is turning itself into a nation from one of being of self-starters, rugged individuals, willing to take risks, looking to the future, and self-responsible citizens to being victims that demand that others care for them. Instead of picking one’s self up after getting knocked down, this victim class demands that Government exact retribution of their enemies be they real or imaginary. Instead of logic and grounded evidence, arbitrarily “connected” dots, emotions, and Marxist inspired class warfare is employed.
In all cases, these victims make themselves helpless sheeple who exude helplessness and an inability to take care of themselves. This brings smiles and joy to those that are naturally born wolves – quite happy to oblige these clueless ones of what they are doing to themselves as well as to society. In the first, these wolves will eat them, as Franklin correctly observes – what natural predator cannot resist prey that simply goes belly up for some insignificant reason (especially imagined ones). And as one can imagine, even more wolves have been created – after all, when there is a vacuum of courage, there will arise those that will stream in to fill it.
You know, if someone wishes to make themselves a victim, go for it. The problem occurs when lots of these folks adopt this mentality – and the effect on society as a whole. Victims cast themselves adrift, bereft of any foundation except for one – the search for a security and safety that they believe does not exist (even if it were to just simply “man up” a bit). The problem is that this need, from what see now, is that all entreaties are made to Government instead looking within. And THAT has major ramifications upon us as a society. With the idea and outlook that has achieved steroid proportions that *I* am the center, this is bad, bad news for the rest of us. Why?
Safety and Security versus Freedom. To be safe (or the illusion of such for no sane person believes that Life can be “safe”), others must be constrained. And for the “Land of the Free”, is this a good path forward? For there is only way to constrain the behavior of the many – Government involvement. And with all of its bureaucracies already, these demands that someone protect them will only create a larger miasma of faceless people who consider “your concerns” as just a job. Oh sure, there will be normal coterie of Social Justice Warriors (yet another problem of intrusion) that may take things seriously but not from the personal but from the ideological – you’d just be a “useful idiot” along their path to Utopia. And make no mistake, these SJWs WILL demand Government demand changes of us all.
The important question is, will you end up safe, turning yourself into sheep? And will the rest of be good with the side-effect of having “sheepdom” shoved upon us?
(H/T: Liberal Logic 101)