Of which Dr. Edwin Vieira spoke of during the NHCCS’s Constitution Day (see here). And along, just when I need it, comes this from Instapundit:
ACCOUNTABILITY IS FOR THE LITTLE PEOPLE: EPA Administrator: No One’s Lost Their Job Over Agency’s Mine Spill.
Related: Watchdog: VA not firing officials for botched veteran care.
As I’ve said about our bureaucrats – unelected and unaccountable. Now we can add unassailable.
It used to be said about politicians that they’d lose an election only “caught in bed with either a dead girl or a live boy“. I’m not sure either of those would be cause for a bureaucrat any more. But this should scare you to your roots. It puts bureaucrats not just above The Rule of Law but beyond it entirely. For a nation that was founded on the premise that we are ALL equal before The Law, this can be a breaking point if it continues that cannot be recovered from.
And maybe, that is what some want. Get scarder.