How things have not changed! We’ve written about Cecil the Lion and the Big Game hunter (and dentist) and how the Left vented its outrage that a wild animal was harvested (here, here, here, and here). And this noted the complete lack of outrage over the Left’s favorite killing machine – Planned Parenthhood (here: “…Liberals are more upset over the death of a freaking lion than Planned Parenthood running a baby chop shop…”).
Just to cement this relationship (love animals, hate babies) comes this message from Bob Fertik from
Dear Activist,The Obama administration just released its draft regulations to ban ivory sales in the US, and we need to drum up a stampede of support during the public comment period to make sure this ban stays intact.
The reason is simple – shutting down markets for ivory in the US will save elephants’ lives.
Thanks for all you do!
Bob Fertik
Has ANYone heard anything from the Left that maybe, perhaps, honestly, fer sure, that one of them just might think that a human baby, even if yet to be borned, is of higher value than a wild animal? With over 300,000 abortions this past year, we hear more outrage now about the taking of ivory tusks from elephant poaching than of kids that will never be?
I’ve signed up for a LOT of Left of center email lists – and not ONE has ever questioned: “shouldn’t we be protecting our offspring”? No, what we see is that anything else is of more value – and quite the opposite of common human decency, they advocate for even more babies to have their limbs pulled from their bodies, their brains sucked out, a life snuffed.
Yet tears for elephants, rants for lions.
And nothing for the VERY most vulnerable amongst us.
Their piety rings hollow, their moral high ground is nothing but sand before the wind; for all their breast-beating of “people before profit“, we see right through them for Planned Parenthood has made that claim to be as dust. “Dust in the wind” as the song goes – the profit DOES matter when all of the words, deflections, and rants blow away and all you see in their eyes are $ signs.
But they can save the elephants. Is it because the elephants are somewhere else, they become easy to see while the babies so near puts blinders on their eyes?
Save the elephants. All the morality I need to hear. Sorry, those babies will never hear at all.