This is HIGHLY disturbing – and very much illustrates that Obama’s words of “a proud citizen of the United States, and a fellow citizen of the world“. What does it say about being a proud citizen of the United States when HE can’t hold his own to his fellow Dems in Congress and has to bring in our historical enemies to “vouch” for him. Anyone else see this as absolute insanity as well as proving him to be not just a Post-Constitutionalist but a Post-American as well? Reformatted, emphasis mine:
Nothing says the Iran nuclear deal is great for America like sending Chinese and Russian lobbyists to convince Democrats to vote for it.
Some of Washington’s less reliable partners are worried too: Top diplomats from Russia and China joined a rare meeting of world powers’ envoys on Capitol Hill this week with roughly 30 Senate Democrats to tamp down concerns over the nuclear agreement.
When ELSE have you ever heard of this? Trust me, the Chinese and Russians do NOT have America’s best interests in mind.
These people can’t be bothered to consult their constituents but they have time to be schmoozed by representatives of two totalitarian powers who are united in damaging American interests.
Well, remember too, that Obama said he’d have loved being the head of China. I guess he’s trying now.
This article in Foreign Policy is notable for several things. First, it is emblematic of the way the Obama administration has co-opted the American foreign policy establishment (by that I mean people who live in America and profess an interest in foreign policy rather than people who are pushing a foreign policy that keeps America safe) into supporting a truly ill-conceived and disastrous agreement with Iran simply because it is an agreement. Second, it demonstrates the complete collapse of any modicum of nationalism on the part of the Democrat party. That party has ceased to be American in any sense but that they have American passports and the head of that party is actively campaigning against the interests of this nation and the safety of its citizens.
Workers of the World Unite! And if you don’t, well, we’ll unite all the leaders anyways. That’s what Socialists want and do and we have commented that many of our Elite have been drifting post-American for a long time now. Yet, all we have to do is watch what is going on in the EU to see that the ordinary folks are going all rebellion about their nations being obliterated into a collective whole – and we see the seams starting to bust out. In the last few weeks, we’ve seen both the financials and immigration absurdities of trying to stuff folks into a single basket with the reasoning of “just because”.
Third, is shows the people sent by our “partners” to convince Democrats to place their countrymen in danger are either total morons or duplicitious f**ks who should be flogged from Capitol Hill to Reagan National Airport. For instance:
“The prospect of the rejection of a deal makes us nervous,” Philipp Ackermann, the acting German ambassador to the United States, said Thursday. “It would be a nightmare for every European country if this is rejected.”…
And I am, as an American who want OUR best interests represented foremost? Sorry, but when the target country has said for 40 years “Death to America!”, I’m not all that thrilled that my “leadership” actually thinks it can trust Iran. Or being part of the conspiracy pack for a sec, is this part of the “equalization” of America’s standing through an agreement that will not work out well in the end? After all, if the Iranians are collecting the samples and 24 day pre-notice must be given for pre-inspection, there is no “verification” at all. Yet, as Huckabee said during the debate Thursday night, Obama is going all out in vilifying those that are criticizing him.
British Ambassador Peter Westmacott insisted any chances of getting a better deal were “far-fetched,” according to two individuals in the room. He also speculated that international sanctions against Tehran would fall apart even if Congress blocked the deal — a view seconded by Russian Ambassador Sergey Kislyak.
This is nonsense. The United Nations has already lifted sanctions on Iran. Nothing Congress can do can block the proposed deal with Iran.
That last line says it all. Obama, yet again, told Congress and the Constitution to go pound sand. And Congress, as a supposed co-equal branch of Government, has failed, yet again, to defend either itself or the Constitutional powers it supposedly holds. Like we in the Second Amendment movement keep saying – a Right not exercised robustly is a Right that is taken away. The Democrats have “progressed forward” from Constitutional to Party only politics. It seems that the Rs are content to be the Jr. Democrats in this, at best, or silently in favor of this. Again, don’t listen to their words, judge them ONLY by their actions and results (or lack thereof).
(H/T: Redstate)