Update: Forgot to post up her RedState Gathering speech as well – after the jump.
While Obama did affect the nervous system in Matthew’s leg, Carly takes a figurative baseball bat to his other political love, Hillary Clinton – and there’s nothing he can do about it:
(H/T: Free Beacon) This is yet another indication – when Republicans actually fight back (and do it effectively), they win. Carly’s been doing it by banging on Hillary like the #1 drummer in the USC Trojan marching band. And right after the debate, she continues that roll but this time, Matthews is getting the action end of the stick as there is NOTHING he can say contrary to what she’s saying – all he can do is sputter about “tone” and cannot refute a single lie that Carly enumerates. He’s speechless when she stops – for all of his bluster, he knows he’s been schooled. Hard.
Screw you, Chris, you political hack with a byline. You go girl, Carly! Daily Signal adds (reformatted, emphasis mine):
Former Hewlett-Packard CEO Carly Fiorina spoke about what she sees as the difference between conservatives and progressives during a speech Friday at the RedState Gathering in Atlanta.
“I’m a conservative because I know that no one of us is any better than any other one of us,” Fiorina said. “Each of us are gifted by God. All of us want to live lives of dignity and purpose and meaning. And I know that our values, our principles and our policies work better to lift everyone up.”
Yup – I want people to decide for themselves, so a conservative stand is that less government should the normal to ALLOW us the political and practical space in which to do that. When government steps in, choices are taken away or otherwise constrained – and Liberty is lost.
She said the progressive message is that “some of us are smarter than others. Some of us are better than others. Some of you really can’t live lives of dignity and purpose and meaning, But don’t worry. Some of us are going to take care of the rest of you.” “It is the height of disrespect and disregard, and it is the fight we must have in 2016,” Fiorina said.
Yes, incremental Socialists / Progressives truly are the “We know what’s best” crowd and it has never been more clear in the modern age than this Administration. I can’t think of a single area of my life where these “I’m smarter than you” hubris filled snobs haven’t touched. I also can’t think of an area in my life in which they haven’t tried to reduce my choices – and done so much of it outside the elected representative process.
She said that the next president must break up the bureaucracy of the federal government. “Crony capitalism is crushing the engine of economic growth in this country,”
And it should. It was never supposed to be preeminent in all things American – but that seems to be the model that is almost complete. Look, even if Progressives and the race baiters throw darts, it was still supposed to be States that were sovereign (and I don’t wanna hear about slavery and the rest of that crappola – you all espousing that have turned it into a canard of little use other than to try to shut down debate). Decisions made locally are generally made far better than those made far away. Yet, Progressives keep mouthing the words “states are the laboratories of democracy” with their fingers crossed behind their backs as they do so – at every level of government, they want the locus of power to be up the next chain link. And as we have seen lately, with Congress giving its power away, it is the bureaucracy that is wielding The Power.
Fiorina said. She said that as president, she would implement a “new deal” with Iran: stricter economic sanctions.
Fiorina called for zero-based budgeting in the federal government, expanded school choice options for parents and reinvesting in the military.Fiorina, who has never held political office, said that “ours was intended to be a citizen government” because “a professional political class” becomes entrenched in the “status quo.”
I like it:
- The bureaucracy has to justify itself every cycle; that’ll be less time spent in screwing around with our lives with regulation over regulation spewed out. And it will force our legislators to actually do work on the budget instead of “defaulting forward”.
- Again, goes right to the heart of the matter – are individuals in charge and in charge of their offspring? Or is it government? Who is supposed to be the Master and who the servant? She rightly divines that the relationship has reversed – and we could see some large changes in the Dept of Ed at the Fed level if she gets in.
- And in that professional political class are the “permanently elected politicians, striving ever upward” as well as the permanent class of staffers that “serve” them – but more and more, I think of them as the Rasputins behind each of those 535 mini-thrones with the lobbyists acting as the royal court.
“People who protect the status quo most aggressively are the ones who have benefited from it,” Fiorina said.
And exactly what we are seeing on the Republican side right now – the staus quo. And once again, can you think of a better reason as to why the Republican officials and elected politicians have found common cause against the TEA Party and the base it represents?
Yeah, I thought so.
Update: RedState Gathering speech: