Dear candidates: maybe it’s time to stop asking “what’s wrong” with Trump. “The question isn’t what’s wrong with Trump. He’s winning. And the question darned sure shouldn’t be what’s wrong with the voters who respond to him positively. That’s a political suicide dive. The real question is and has always been, why aren’t you doing better?“
But they never really ask that question – it’s always somebody or something else’s fault. Right now, it’s Trump and his supporters. We’ve said it before – if the Republican Party and politicians had actually done their jobs right, he wouldn’t exist. If they had just kept their promises, voters wouldn’t be abandoning them. But they are losing the Trust I keep harping on BECAUSE they haven’t kept their word.
And if Trust is gone, you know what else “goes gone”?
This should be simple stuff – basic principles ALWAYS matter! But I keep repeating stuff like this because they keep doing the same things over and over again.
(H/T: Instapundit)