The weather last nite promised that the Dog Days of Summer were finally going to arrive here in NH; hot, hazy, humid pretty much all week long. We’ve been lucky, IMHO, that we’ve had little of “heat waves” (e.g., 3 contigious days of 90+ degrees) for quite some time. For a guy who waits all summer for February, this has been good news! This week, however, not so much. But in a couple of weeks, the weather will be turning nippier and I’ll be able to take out the air conditioners – and get ready for what comes next. I think this is great advice:
And shop the Amazon Emergency Prep Store. Plus, Emergency & Long-Term Storage Food Deals. When bad things happen, it’s good to have food.
Plus, Generators and Portable Power for Storm Season. Though the Insta-Wife was a generator-skeptic when we installed ours, a couple of outages have turned her into a believer.
I’ll add this – I remember the tremendous ice storm we in the North Country had here a few years ago and we were out of power for over 2 weeks – I promised myself and TMEW that we’d be better prepared next time if something like that happened again.
Like Instapundit, we are also an Amazon affiliate – if you’re buying stuff, click on over via our Shop Amazon widget and GraniteGrok will get some credit and won’t cost you a dime (and like always, our promise is ALWAYS to better our production values and never in our own pockets). Also,
We are. I have some of the products that are listed and when I look at them, the thought is “hey, I’m shopping like my grandparents and older family members (aunts and uncles, now long passed away) did – not sticking to a “just in time” (or even the “shopping for the week” style). This isn’t Doomsday Preppers – it’s just common sense. We’re out in the boonies and only 1 road in and out of our neighborhood – and only one way in for electric, phone, and cable. A few trees down, a washout of the road, and yeah, we’re stuck.
WeatherBell (a regular guest on GrokTALK!) is predicting another snowier and colder winter again – and so is the Farmer’s Almanac.
Be safe. And functional. And not cold, thirsty, or hungry.