Certainly the latest undercover video where Planned Parenthoods’ Deborah Nucatola () spilled the beans over lunch about Planned Parenthood’s profiting over harvesting body parts / organs from aborted babies has made a huge impact in the blogosphere where the Right is properly outraged and the Left is “meh!”. The former because we see each unborn as a human being with a life just important as #BlackLivesMatter while the Left is reduced to dehumanizing babies to be mere clumps of cells. We’ve been writing up a storm about this (here, here, here, here, and here).
Well, Doug Scamman, social issues DO matter and Republicans seeking office best be mindful that your stance of “drop the social issues, focus on the fiscal issues” is wrong because
- Social issues ALL have fiscal costs
- Dems run on social issues hard and ALWAYS put Republicans on the defensive (not a good place to be in a political race)
- Conservatives are tired of Republican Establishment elites abandoning them and their issues.
So, to that point, I received an email from Chris Sununu, who is rumored of thinking about the NH Gov office. Yes, social issues have fiscal costs:
The email is below and was concerned with launching a broadside against Gov. Maggie “The Red” Hassan (Dem Progressive-NH), the budget, and her staff’s failure in not talking with Manchester officials with the ongoing heroin problem. However, even though I had already posted once about Chris Sununu and how he was going to vote on the Planned Parenthood New England contract (here). Now I know that he does read us from time to time but it is certain that others do that would relay that his name would appear in our pixels – I really did hope to hear from him. Sadly, not so much.
I even called his office and left a vmail to follow up to see how he was going to be voting. After all, we did want to see if he was going to following in the footsteps of NH GOP Committeeman Steve Duprey (but using tax payer money) and support PPNE? Well, when his presser came in about Maggie, I decided to see whether trying, yet again, would get a response:
From: “skipdcm” <Skip@GraniteGrok.com>
To: “Chris T. Sununu” <cts@sununuenterprises.com>
Sent: 7/16/2015 2:03:17 PM
Subject: Re: Sununu Press Release – July 16
Hi Chris,
Thanks for sending this – I take it you would like this presser posted on GraniteGrok?
BTW, I did leave you a vmail a little while ago – I’d also be willing to post up how you are going to be voting on the PPNE contract, given:
- we know how your fellow Republican councilors are going to vote
- the recent news that PP has been harvesting baby organs (which also, to a degree, gives us more understanding why they are adamant about fighting a 20 week limitation on abortions)
Have you decided upon that yet?
– Skip
Well, still waiting. At least Susan got a non-answer answer from NH Executive Councilor Colin (Democrat). For me? Nada, nope, null, no. Zilch, a blackhole. So I have no idea if he will join his other Republican Executive Councilors Dave Wheeler and Joe Kenny this time. Because last time, he supported Maggie Hassan and the two Democrats on the Executive Council.
I really don’t want to have to write that he is supporting Democrat policies such as abortion – just like Steve Duprey. And add in the NH State Senate Republicans supporting the one of the largest Democrat policies EVAH (that would be Obamacare and its Medicaid Expansion), and one is left with a sad question:
By their OWN actions – how do we tell the two Parties apart?
After all, look what happened to the top of the R ticket back in November…
Oh, that Presser – see Chris, I did post it (and ask yourself – how many other media outlets actually honored your request?):
—— Original Message ——
From: “Chris T. Sununu” <cts@sununuenterprises.com>
To: “‘csununu@nh.gov‘” <csununu@nh.gov>
Sent: 7/16/2015 1:47:47 PM
Subject: Sununu Press Release – July 16
July 16, 2015
Chris Sununu Statement On Hassan Drug Czar’s Failure
To Communicate With Manchester Officials
Concord – Today Executive Councilor Chris Sununu issued the following statement on the failure of the Hassan Administration’s Drug Czar to communicate with Manchester officials. In an interview with WMUR yesterday, Mayor Ted Gatsas said that “communication has not been there” from the Hassan Administration on the response to the growing heroin epidemic.
“After watching his interview on WMUR last night, I called Mayor Gatsas to ask him about his comments regarding the lack of communication from the Hassan Administration on combating substance abuse. Mayor Gatsas confirmed that Governor Hassan’s drug czar has failed to meet with him or even pick up the phone and call his office.
“Governor Hassan’s drug czar has been on the job for over six months now, and it is extremely troubling that he has not reached out to the mayor of our state’s largest city. Mayor Gatsas is on the front lines fighting Manchester’s heroin epidemic on a daily basis. The Hassan Administration’s designated substance abuse staffer should be in constant contact with the mayor’s office to offer whatever help he can provide.
“The lack of communication between local officials and Governor Hassan’s drug czar is the latest example of a disappointing pattern of mismanagement on substance abuse issues. I am deeply troubled by this situation and recent revelations that the governor’s office was unaware that New Hampshire is receiving a $12 million federal grant to combat substance abuse. I also believe that the governor made a serious mistake by vetoing the state budget that included an immediate 75% increase in substance abuse funding.
“Lives are on the line, and the Hassan Administration needs to take responsibility for these mistakes and ensure that they don’t happen again. It’s time for the governor’s office to work closely with local officials to ensure the state is doing everything possible to combat this crisis.”
Executive Council District 3 consists of the following cities and towns: Atkinson, Brentwood, Chester, Danville, Derry, East Kingston, Epping, Exeter, Fremont, Greenland, Hampstead, Hampton, Hampton Falls, Kensington, Kingston, New Castle, Newfields, Newington, Newmarket, Newton, North Hampton, Nottingham, Pelham, Plaistow, Portsmouth, Raymond, Rye, Salem, Sandown, Seabrook, South Hampton, Stratham, and Windham.