Steve Duprey and Jack Kimball – a quick thought on NH GOP Executive Board action


NH GOP Victory Starts Now LogoOne of the bones that was picked when Jack Kimball that was used to kick him out as NH GOP Chair was that he signed a petition so that a Libertarian would be able to get on the ballot.  They said that was helping the “enemy” of the GOP.  In a way, yes, it would have allowed more competition to run against the GOP candidate in that race. Words, I heard, were around that it was tantamount to endorsing that candidate which runs counter to the NH GOP By-Laws.  Which when carefully examined, did not reach the level of that particular by-law – but he was roundly excoriated by NH GOPpers and finally was forced out (and IMHO, on other trumped up make-ups).

And one of those people leading that charge later became the NH GOP Chair – Jennifer Horn.  And now she is front and center in yet another similar controversy with Steve Duprey.

So, NH GOP Committeeman Steve Duprey was caught red-handed attending a Planned Parenthood Action Fund fundraiser:

And no one that has any knowledge of politics, money,  and the “Reproductive Health issues” knows what he said “” is nothing but a dodge.  And a sorry-assed one to boot.  And few people are going to close their wide-open eyes on it either.  Certainly NH Right To Life is calling him to resign (here) and I am quite sure that others are going to do the same; it’s just a matter of time. But here’s the operative question:

What is NH GOP Chair Jennifer Horn going to do?

Seriously.  She was front and center on politically capitalizing on a perceived fault by Jack Kimball and she did not skirt around that issue anyway or anyhow.  Upfront, in his face (literally) – she make it clear that he had to resign.

So, here is her NH GOP Committeeman Steve Duprey – actively giving to Planned Parenthood who has put a bullseye on US Senator Kelly Ayotte (R-NH).  The highest elected office holder in the NH GOP organization.  Giving money to PP, IMHO, is FAR worse than simply signing a petition.  The latter is simply allowing someone to compete – Duprey gave money that may well be used to actively defeat Kelly Ayotte, a fellow Republican.

Is this not being the same as being a Republican for Lynch or a Republican for Maggie? We need a new phrase?

Republicans stand with Planned Parenthood to defeat Ayotte

A bit long for a bumper sticker, but you get the jist of it.  How badly must he hate his fellow Establishment Republican?  Probably not much, but boy, aren’t the optics on this really bad (if it is just a case of sheer political stupidity; but worse if actually true).  But once again, like it or not, most of the grassroots believe that Leadership should be supporting the NH GOP Principles and this ain’t that.  But again, what is Jennifer Horn going to do?  If she is to be consistent, she should already be in Duprey’s face and demanding a resignation.  Pronto.

Leadership DEMANDS consistency and for her to lay back and do nothing, well, that would be a politically derogatory action to take – for with such a similar action (as I have pointed out) she will be proving to the grassroots that she hates them (given her action towards Jack) and loves the Establishment if she does nothing in this case.  Even a Censure would rate as a nothingburger for it has no teeth to it.



  • Skip

    Co-founder of GraniteGrok, my concern is around Individual Liberty and Freedom and how the Government is taking that away. As an evangelical Christian and Conservative with small "L" libertarian leanings, my fight is with Progressives forcing a collectivized, secular humanistic future upon us. As a TEA Party activist, citizen journalist, and pundit!, my goal is to use the New Media to advance the radical notions of America's Founders back into our culture.

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