From a little birdie tweeting in my ear:
Make sure you are sitting down before you read this. And take any BP meds if you have high BP. I have been informed me that the Senate plans on ADDING REALID into the budget AND plans on REMOVING the Medicaid Expansion sunset clause. They are pulling this b******t at the last minute. They are holding other bills hostage as well. HB618 has not had any action since the committee hearing on April 7th.
The House is doing the same I’ve heard trying to hold bills that the senate wants as “bargaining chips.” It looks like we have a giant FusterCluck brewing…
IF this is true, then the only way this can work is if Republican Leadership in both the House and Senate are “in” on this. And once again, elected Republican Leadership acting contrary to its supporters? If this is all about making Medicaid Expansion permanent, your eyes and ire ought to be laser focused on NH State Senator Jeb Bradley. And of course, the Democrat puppet, NH House Speaker Shawn Jasper.
And you gotta love the politically cowardly way of doing this – tacking into and hijacking another bill with no hearings and no way for citizens to object? And the Republican Establishment doesn’t understand why we out here don’t Trust them??? Or that we keep thinking they care what we think?
Developing. We’ll try to verify this and if true, get more details.