Emphasis mine:
Elizabeth Price Foley wonders whether Obama is actually going to create his “national” police force in contravention of Congress and the Constitution.
Then again, we already know Obama has no regard for the Constitution and never has. I figure if he succeeds in creating his own Geheim Staatz Polizei that the Obamajugend won’t be far behind.
What makes all of this incredible to me is that he has gone out of his way to make sure that relatively small civil/criminal matters have devolved into crises he can exploit.
To borrow a term from yet another language, I have to wonder whether all of this is what the Russians call maskirovka, using it as a means to further erode our rights up until the point where he can declare a state of emergency, cancel elections, or if this takes place after the 2016 elections, declares that the state of emergency makes it “unwise” for a new administration to take over until the emergency is over. Of course we know the “emergency” will never end, meaning neither will his reign.
We have to remember that most dictatorships are not often imposed by armed revolution but by the process of open and free elections, whereupon the elected leader changes the laws, in many cases by decree, until there are no more rights for the citizens and the nation becomes yet another police state. And those who elected the leader will wholly support many of the leader’s actions…until he starts imprisoning and killing them. Then we’ll hear the refrain “But we didn’t know!”
Yeah. Sure.
We cannot say “This is America – it can’t happen here”. Given history, and that it has happened all through history, and that our elected leaders act contrary to (and often, antagonistic to) the Constitution, why not here? Blind faith and hope is insufficient to keep something like this from happening. Remember, the price of freedom is eternal vigilance – we will not likely fall externally but from within. Just ask yourselves – how far have we moved away from the original meaning and purpose of the US Constitution?
(H/T: Weekend Pundit)