Really, NH State Rep. Len DiSesa, to be part of NH Society we give up Constitutional Rights?

concealed carry shorts
Image from Masada Tactical Blog

SB116, the “Constitutional Carry” bill by which any person who is permitted to own a firearm would no longer have to apply for and posses a pistol license to carry it concealed is the current gun bill being decided in the NH House.  Of course, there are all kinds of claims that ne’er-do-wells, criminals, and the mentally insane would now have the freedom to carry without any oversight.  Politicians, Police Chiefs, Progressives (ok, no difference in some cases) all have their panties in a wad.  NH State Rep. Len DiSesa is no different:

Rep. Len DiSesa, D-Dover, a former Portsmouth deputy police chief, said that when people join society, they surrender some of their rights for the greater good, and constitutional gun rights are one of those instances.”Once a round is fired, it cannot be taken back,” DiSesa writes to his fellow House members. “This is not a Second Amendment issue. It is a safety issue, and repealing this law flies in the face of common sense.”

Well, I have emailed the Representative on his words:

From: “skipdcm” <>
Sent: 4/26/2015 2:13:52 PM
Subject: The UL article on SB116 where you were quoted
Rep. DiSesa,
I am writing to you because I am somewhat confused as to the quote in the article (““):
Rep. Len DiSesa, D-Dover, a former Portsmouth deputy police chief, said that when people join society, they surrender some of their rights for the greater good, and constitutional gun rights are one of those instances.”Once a round is fired, it cannot be taken back,” DiSesa writes to his fellow House members. “This is not a Second Amendment issue. It is a safety issue, and repealing this law flies in the face of common sense.”
I am assuming you are referring to the NH Constitution’s Article 3:
[Art.] 3. [Society, its Organization and Purposes.] When men enter into a state of society, they surrender up some of their natural rights to that society, in order to ensure the protection of others; and, without such an equivalent, the surrender is void.

Your quote talks about Rights and then you refer to the Second Amendment; I also would add Article 2-a which has a superior positioning being listed ahead of Article 3.

[Art.] 2-a. [The Bearing of Arms.] All persons have the right to keep and bear arms in defense of themselves, their families, their property and the state.

Natural rights vs Constitutional Rights; my question is what other Constitutional Rights have I given up that I have not realized (in either the US or the NH Constitution) that I should be aware of? I’m not aware that either the NH or US Supreme Court has ever ruled that citizens have involuntarily given up their Second Amendment or Article 2-A Rights – nor am I aware of any commission, board, or legislation that has amended either Constitution in this regard.

In your view, what other Rights have been obviated simply for being an adult citizen?  What other specifically enumerated Rights, in your opinion, have been voided?

I also wonder about the standing of your argument – it seems that “Security and Safety” in your holding trumps that of the freedoms & liberties so enumerated – is that a reasonable summary of your position?

Kindest regards,
Skip Murphy
Gilford, NH

The plain thought did come to me – if a NH State Representative can just obviate, out of whole (but invisible) cloth, an entire clause or article on their own authority, does this mean that Democrats believe that there are no restrictions on what Government can do?  After all, if he dismisses this one, what is to stop another from “getting rid” of another one – and so forth down the line?

ER, if they of so little consequence, why did our Founding Fathers bother to enumerate them if he believes we’ve already given them up?  Or is this what Democrats believe?

If I get an answer, I will post it.



(H/T: Union Leader via John Burt at PackingNH)


  • Skip

    Co-founder of GraniteGrok, my concern is around Individual Liberty and Freedom and how the Government is taking that away. As an evangelical Christian and Conservative with small "L" libertarian leanings, my fight is with Progressives forcing a collectivized, secular humanistic future upon us. As a TEA Party activist, citizen journalist, and pundit!, my goal is to use the New Media to advance the radical notions of America's Founders back into our culture.

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