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Yes, we DID talk about former NH GOP Exec Dir Matt Mowers on GrokTALK! this past Saturday at Liberty Forum. And now that he is “Governor Chris Christie’s Campaign boy Matt Mowers” (as Steve called him), he seemingly wishes to be buddy – buddy with your’s truly. After call after call, post after post, of asking him to contact me over the problematic situation of the NH GOP Delegates amending the Platform and then the NH GOP Staff not updating those changes until after the November election (the Elites were embarrassed that the base holds views they think are “icky” – or showed that the top two candidates on the ticket were out of sequence with their own base and then promptly lost anyways).
Why? Let me count the single largeish way and not let it be “water under the bridge” in a matter of speaking:
From: “Matt Mowers” <matthew.mowers@gmail.com>
To: “Skip Murphy” <skip@granitegrok.com>
Sent: 3/5/2015 2:26:47 PM
Subject:Skip – long time no talk! hope you’ve been well. I read this just now and thought it may have been of interest to you – seems like the Dems still aren’t too keen on Christie, huh?
How has everything been going for you?
Democratic Super PAC Goes After Chris Christie: ‘We Want To Kill Him Dead’
Alex Pappas
The president of a Democratic Party super PAC dedicated to digging up opposition research on Republicans said of New Jersey Republican Gov. Chris Christie: “We want to kill him dead.”
Brad Woodhouse, the president of the liberal super PAC American Bridge, made the provocative comments in a profile of the organization published by Bloomberg Politics.
The story notes that American Bridge would not back off its attacks on Christie. “We’re not going to pull resources from Christie,” Woodhouse told the outlet. “We want to kill him dead.”
Woodhouse, a longtime Democratic operative, has often accused Republicans of using offensive rhetoric against President Obama. But on Thursday, Woodhouse seemed proud of his quote, retweeting it several times in his Twitter feed.
Well, I decided to give Matt a reply (yes, it is what I can do) to this email sent to create “sympathy” for his former and new boss, Chris Christie. And yes, the undertone was understood – his part in dissing the base in not updating the lawfully written, lawfullyproposed, and lawfully voted upon amendments to the NH GOP Platform over which I must have posted a dozen time if I did one. For being the Executive Director, there is a responsibility in not updating them for the lame excuse of “well, we’re busy with elections” when I know damn well those changes would only take 15 minutes.
In fact, I offered my technical services to update them myself. Having run GraniteGrok for close to 10 years and an M.S. in Computer Science with 40 years in the biz, I think I’m kinda qualified to do so. And so did a bunch of other techies. All we heard was <crickets>; I think the message was sent:
From: Skip@GraniteGrok.com
To: “Matt Mowers” <matthew.mowers@gmail.com>
Sent: 3/6/2015 10:33:18 AM
Subject: Re:
Yeah, I know “long time, no talk!” very well – extremely well. Every time I called you at NH GOP and asked for a call back, every time the phone didn’t ring I knew it was you. And the returned (oops! NON-returned) emails as well. And post after post on the ‘Grok elicited <cricket sounds> from you as well (emphasis added).
Methinks you have a lot of apologizing to do. And not just to me – everyone else who called you and didn’t get an answer back.
Tell me something – do you think Christie is gonna win here in NH with the Liberty and Freedom wing of the party based on your performance with us this fall? You’re ARE his face here in NH – and I’m not the only one saying it. Am I to assume that your boss’s outlook on us is the same as your’s (as that is the current perception of a number of influential people)?
As the knight in “Indiana Jones and the Holy Grail” said: choose [your words] wisely. Or his other words may ring out again (“He chose poorly”).
(yes, still quite ticked off – and you only have yourself to blame)