- You don’t need that
- I don’t know of anyone who says they need that
- It’s about the quality of life“
- It is the cost of civilization
America has ALWAYS been an aspirational society: dream it, work for it…and sometimes, get it. The moral has always been look up – there is the possibility of making it. Not a guarantee, not a safe bet, but we have always told our children that it was possible; the American Dream.
But if you have listened to Obama, he’s always talked about reaching for the middle class – never higher. All of his rhetoric has always about that “class” but never higher. He’s always tried to change, to transform, that highest of aspirations – not to be your best, just average. Just a person, like any other – not a superstar or a standout. For you are the Little People, there is no “need” for better; to wit (reformatted, emphasis mine). And what better way to “nudge” that decision to lesser status than by deciding to take some of that “college” money away – Obama’s State of the Union “aspiration for more Federal Government money” is to tax Johnnie and Jamie’s formerly tax advantaged college fund
White House Press Secretary Josh Earnest said Friday that middle-class families concerned about President Obama’s plan to raise taxes on their college savings should just send their children to community college.
Not to strive for better, not to strive for more rigorous, not for more prestigious; just settle. It fits in with the mantra – let government take care of you. And if you do, there is no “need”
Obama’s plan raises taxes on families saving for college by eliminating the tax-free status of money withdrawn from a 529 savings accounts. “I was very surprised by the Obama 529 proposal because in many ways it is anti-middle class for families trying to afford college,” SavingforCollege.com founder Joe Hurley told The New York Times.
Once again, we see the rug pulled out from underneath it – and I blame Progressives for changing the rules of the game, all too willing to try to transform the path to success.
Asked to “square” Obama’s State of the Union claim that he wanted to make college more affordable for middle-class families with his 529 tax hike, Earnest said, “The reforms the president has proposed for the 529 program are reforms that he would consider only in the context of the other education reforms that he put forward.” “And there are a variety of proposals the president put forward,” Earnest continued, “some related to the tax code, but some also related to the president’s proposal to make community college free for hard working students that are getting good grades.
That would have the benefit of essentially cutting the cost of a four year education in half. If you can do the first two year at a community college and have them paid for then the next to years are something you can pay for and essentially your tuition costs have been cut in half.”
Right – let’s just put two more years onto high school is what effectively this is – but only for the lower income folks. You can’t tell me that a local Vo-Tech or Community College has the the rigor of even a mid-level college. No, this is an attempt to shuffle off the lower class into “their place” – and if you think that is harsh, Obama and his minions have been nothing but waging class warfare of the Marxist type for the last 6 years.
And just because he wants to “give” you something for free, he also is proving that TASTAAFL is still in play – he just wants those self-reliant folks, the parents and kids that decided to forgo gratification for today for better later, to pay for everyone else now. Is that moral? Is that fair? Or just in line in creating more government dependency by being Obama Claus all the time – after all, someone else’s “free money” is the Crack of the Feds, liberally given out.
Except for those that will be “asked” to pay more – and increasingly, it is us that he is asking. Really, he will “ask” you for it? How much you wanna bet on what the only possible answer will be?
Yup – a greedy politician – both for your money but more importantly, to control your life. Or rather, your kids’ lives.
(H/T: Townhall)