“It’s not just the New England Patriots who are dealing with deflated balls right now.“
The context after the jump – and there’s more than a few folk that agree with it
“I’m not going to talk politics except to say the GOP had better go on offense. Man, they are not going to win any game on defense,” she told TheBlaze. “Being in the majority there in D.C. — we’re blowing it if we just bend our back.”
She added, “That GOP leadership, that establishment, they’ve got to [get] their stuff together. I love what they believe in, I believe in it too. But they’ve got to get tough, man. You know what? It’s not just the New England Patriots who are dealing with deflated balls right now.”
A lot of Conservatives are both scratching their heads and wondering what the heck we gave them the huge win for the majority back in November – full of vim and vinegar during the campaign and now that fall is over and into deep winter, it seems that the DC Republicans have decided to add a new season: Wilting. One could call it limp or flaccid, too, but one thing is for sure = all that fire and brimstone has been reduced to a few wispy puffs of smoke and steam.
I will say this – those Elected Representatives are starting to erect their own double horns on which to impale themselves. Even with their huge majority with all those voters that put them there, they seem to be scared stiff of the Democrats still and the lamestream media that seems to be able to do the deflating at the mere hint of a scowl. Paralysis on not issuing a “Tallyho!” will not get it done. Continuing the PR debacle that is Rs vs Obama and you’ll get nothing done (“Oh, everyone will call us racists! Or obstructionists!”). Right – and Obama insults you, over and over during SOTU and again while he campaigns for his Redistribution Tour – and what the base is seeing is “nothing”. Nothing, nein, nada, zippo for get up and go; no fire.
So, the other horn may well be the base – and here’s the reason. Much is made of money in campaigns – lobbyists shoveling out the cash and yes, they expect an ROI on that investment. Well, so does the base and it wields the real coin of the realm – votes. Ask all those big money campaigns that have ultimately failed – the real “cash” are the votes. And the base will spend their cash (as they did in November).
But, like lobbyists that see little good come of their largesse, the base will also move one. Unlike the lobbyists that will spend it elsewhere, the base can decide not to spend it at all – just look at some voter trends. The base wants results AND THEY WANT IT NOW! Get those results and you will be rewarded. Don’t because you want to take the “don’t make waves” may have some folks saying “Nope” in less than two years.
Just look at all the hoopla over a dozen footballs in a sports venue. The thing there is that, win or lose, life won’t change. In DC, yeah, you folks have the power to change our lives – and they sent you to create the RIGHT change. So what say you – you’ll start bucking up?
(H/T: The Blaze)