BlogHeadline of the Day: this is what you will hear at Obama’s SOTU speech tomorrow night

by Skip

“In the face of irrelevance, Obama buys attention with other people’s money”

(H/T:  Washington Examiner via Betsy’s Page) Alternate title: “State of the Union is taxes

In other words, now that the election is passed, Obama is about to prove Romney’s 47% remark to be true.  Oh yes, just like the #WarOnWomen and the gender wage gap, the outrage at the time was faux, demagogued, and purely political.  The last couple of weeks have seen Obama say:

Estimates of between $320 and $442 BILLION more in taxes. This is FREE? 

Hardly.  This is theft.  Except what used to be more “nuanced”, more “euphemized”, more “understated” or even “hidden”; – now Obama is blase blatant about it.  He must have loved the Cylons from BattleStar Galactica: “Your wish is my command” (and is already doing the paid sick and family leave at the Federal level by, wait a minute, Executive Order.

The real truth is TANSTAAFL – There Ain’t No Such Thing As A Free Lunch.  Period.  Government can only “boast” of such in that it hopes most people are greedy enough to look away at the obvious truth that this new ObamaBucks plan can only be worked with other peoples’ money.  Democrats generally do this all the time under the rubicon of “we’re going to ‘ask’ that the rich pay their fair share” all the time knowing there is no asking (only demanding) and that the rich pay a disproportionate amount of taxes compared the rest – the top 20% pay about 70% of all income taxes – the lowest 50% pay about 3%.  Closing of tax “loopholes”, hike the capital gains tax, raise the inheritance tax, limit some itemized deductions from “the rich”, chage rates for certain industries on deductions, and a big hike in bank taxes.

Now, I have NO problem with legislation that allows anyone to keep more of their own money instead of Government taking it – but not taking from others.  This is simply Theft.  This is all about Redistribution of the wealth earned by others – Obama uses the words of “fairness” and “compassion” – words that mean one thing even as his Government acts the opposite of those meanings.  This is all about Politics (even as Obama called out the Republicans for playing Political Games) to use the force of Government not only to outright take the fruits of others labor but it is also ways to inject Government into more nooks and crannies of our lives. As Powerline reminds us, Obama could have done this all the first two years of his first term – even those that support Obama are saying this is just posturing.

The Transformation of America in which Government will have its people;

The Larger the Government, the smaller the citizen.

Go ahead, riddle me this – how many areas of your life are completely free of the shadow of Government?


  • Skip

    Co-founder of GraniteGrok, my concern is around Individual Liberty and Freedom and how the Government is taking that away. As an evangelical Christian and Conservative with small "L" libertarian leanings, my fight is with Progressives forcing a collectivized, secular humanistic future upon us. As a TEA Party activist, citizen journalist, and pundit!, my goal is to use the New Media to advance the radical notions of America's Founders back into our culture.

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