WMUR CloseUp – Democrat appointed Speaker Shawn Jasper


TNew WMUR logohoughts on Democrat appointed Speaker Jasper on CloseUp this morning:

  • Overall, he seemed to be, right from the start, to have Bill O’Brien under his skin and the majority of Republicans that didn’t vote for him (and lest you have forgotten, it was the Democrats that appointed him Speaker).  Not a single word about the ENTIRE Democrat caucus voting for him and a tiny minority of Republicans voting for him.  And certainly the HRA & NHLA scores don’t show him being a “solid” conservative.  Rather dismissive (and/or clueless) as to how his committee appointments have gone over.  Nice to see that he’s calling a large number of Republicans in the House “fringe”.  That won’t go over well going forward.
  • He threw Right To Work right under the bus, didn’t he?  Nice to see that he took “the way of McConnell” – we’re only a small part of the Government without stating his union support – or that not a small number of his Republican supporters are also anti-RTW union type folks as well  (last heard up to 60-70 unionists casting themselves as Rs simply for this issue).
  • On Medicaid Expansion:

McElveen: “…the repeal of it, the modification of it, however you want to characterize it.  How important do you think  is taking another look at it?”

J’ass’per: “The bill sunsets at the end of 2016.  Again, we’re not going to be able to repeal it because that would take the GOvernor’s signature.  That’s not going to happen.  So we need to planning, we need to be moving FORWARD! for when that thing sunsets. But to waste a lot of time to repeal something that, er, can’t be done just isn’t productive.”

Planning FOR WHAT??  And why the kvetching about a law that just simply goes away? You don’t have to do a THING and be in line with the Republican Platform.  It sounds like he’s setting the table to NOT let it sunset.  So ANOTHER Republican looking to keep Obama’s Obamacare’s Medicaid Expansion alive in well?  Yakking about “repeal” is nonsense and doesn’t answer the question. Again, please tell me – HOW are the Republican Elite Leaders ANY different than the Democrats on this?  Jr. Lackeys of the Welfare State and Jr. Partners of the Democrat Party.  And *I* don’t have to say a word – YOU guys are doing all the speaking and the actions proving me right.

  • On Democrats bringing more gun legislation: “I don’t think that anybody can ever find anything that I ever voted for any bill that would take away any existing rights that gun owners in NH have.”  OK, gun folks – go do some research, please, as he just challenged you!
  •  Budget – no new taxes!  Let’s just see if he fares better Bush 41, given that he “owes” Democrats.


  • Skip

    Co-founder of GraniteGrok, my concern is around Individual Liberty and Freedom and how the Government is taking that away. As an evangelical Christian and Conservative with small "L" libertarian leanings, my fight is with Progressives forcing a collectivized, secular humanistic future upon us. As a TEA Party activist, citizen journalist, and pundit!, my goal is to use the New Media to advance the radical notions of America's Founders back into our culture.

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