So these are their goals – let’s see how they execute. I predict #FAIL for Democrat appointed Speaker Jasper


Official House GOP caucus begins setting goals

De jure or de facto – the former does not necessarily mean reality. Be that as it may, it will mean that the Democrat appointed Speaker J’ass’per’s appointed Majority Leader’s caucus has decided what they are going to do “Among the goals”:

  • “a balanced budget” – low hanging fruit (very low) as by law, they must.  Not a big deal.  The Big Deal will be in how Priorities will be set within that budget?  Will they be Open and Transparent and TELL us what is important and not, be explicit and name the Priorities from top to bottom, explicitly defining their definition of The Role Of Government, and THEN fund them?  Will the Democrat appointed Speaker have the cojones to do that – list the Priorities in other than Glittering Generalities?
  • “reducing the size of government and regulations” – will they explicitly tell us by what measure they will be using to give us their baseline of the current size of Government, or punt and just do it after the fact (“look what we did!!”).  It will also be rather illuminating what is their starting number for “the size of regulations”.   Will the Democrat appointed Speaker have the cojones to do each -measure the size of Government first and enumerate the volume of detailed regulations other than Glittering Generalities?

  • “eliminating Medicaid expansion” – yeah, like the NH Senate Rogue Republicans would EVAH allow that to happen.  After all, those Progressive Republicans are NOT going deep six their signature doofus accomplishment just to make J’ass’per look good. #FAIL for Democrat appointed Speaker Jasper.
  • “lowering electricity costs” – the ONLY way this is going to happen right away is via pixie dust spread from flying unicorns.  All KINDS of regulations would have to vanish in a flash along with a big helping of suspending the Laws of Supply and Demand at the same time.  Or, pull an Obamacare and just throw out $100 bills in large quantities to electric rate payers. #FAIL for Democrat appointed Speaker Jasper
  • making the state more business friendly” – will the Democrats that appointed him allow him to remove the handcuffs THEY have put on the outposts of Capitalism here in NH?  Doubtful – while they don’t trust their fellow Citizens, they go past that and loathe the free market that they cannot control.  Regulations, taxes – will the Democrats behind the scene give some slack to that Democrat appointed Speaker’s leash?  #FAIL for Democrat appointed Speaker Jasper
  • “improving state agency accountability and efficiency” – this ought to be rather amusing, given the broadening and deepening sense of our public servants that they are our Public Masters, I DO wish them success but again, that will depend on the baseline for CURRENT vs AFTER.  Will the Democrat appointed Speaker have the cojones to do each -measure the Openness and Transparent FIRST other than Glittering Generalities?  Unless that is done, we can kiss this off as politicalees.



  • Skip

    Co-founder of GraniteGrok, my concern is around Individual Liberty and Freedom and how the Government is taking that away. As an evangelical Christian and Conservative with small "L" libertarian leanings, my fight is with Progressives forcing a collectivized, secular humanistic future upon us. As a TEA Party activist, citizen journalist, and pundit!, my goal is to use the New Media to advance the radical notions of America's Founders back into our culture.

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