RINO Report Special Edition – Gibbering Jasper?


No More RINO's - RLCNH puts up the records they must run on“If one, then many” – a phrase many of us heard over and over (if we have heard it once).  Like Steve said:

As we head toward a new session it is important to know who the Democrats are in the Republican party.

And so it is – where there’s one, there’s more!  Let’s us re-introduce Shawn Jasper (R (sorta), Hillsborough 37) and his record.  Just as with David Hess, his record on the Right of Citizens “to keep and bear arms” – a fundamental bellweather of whether or not a politician truly believes in what the Constitution means in its original intent – or whether they are willing to trade those Freedoms for the “culture of the day” will o’wisp at best – or at worst, throwing in with the opposition.  Following in Steve’s suit, I decided to go over to the Dark Side and see how the illiberal opposition (that would be Granite State Progress) rated Shawn Jasper on Second Amendment issues rather than us being cited for “right wing bias” against RINOs:

  • Rep. Jasper voted against allowing someone who was denied a handgun license to petition directly to the Superior court and skip the local process. (HB29, Roll Call #7, 1/4/2012)
  • Rep. Jasper voted against allowing guns on college campuses and dorms, in athletic stadiums and public parks and beaches. This bill additionally restricted local communities from making local decisions regarding firearms in these areas. (HB334, Roll Call #11, 1/4/2012)

  • Rep. Jasper voted Not Voting/Not Excused exempting firearms, fire arm accessories, and ammunition manufactured in New Hampshire from federal law and regulation. A yes vote on this bill additionally made a state or federal official, who enforced a lawful federal regulation, guilty of a misdemeanor or felony. (HB125, Roll Call #12, 2/15/2011)
  • Rep. Jasper voted against overturning established law that prohibited carrying loaded rifles and shotguns in vehicles. (HB194, Roll Call #24, 1/5/2012)
  • Rep. Jasper voted against this “Stand Your Ground” or “Kill at Will” ALEC model legislation. Under existing law, a person in their own home does not need to retreat when they perceive a threat or are threatened; this bill extends that to public spaces — such as street corners, shopping malls, public parks and retail stores — and encourages the immediate use of deadly force.  (HB210, Roll Call #62, 3/15/2011)
  • Rep. Jasper voted against allowing the use of deadly force within one’s home….The bill would have granted the shooter immunity from criminal prosecution – including arrest, detainment in custody, or prosecution – and made it extremely difficult for law enforcement officials to fully and thoroughly investigate a case. (HB567, Roll Call #68, 3/15/2011)
  • Rep. Jasper voted against allowing the use of firearms and fireworks in crowded, heavily populated cities and towns. (HB1341, Roll Call #130, 3/8/2012)
  • Rep. Jasper voted against discussing handgun policy within the state budget. (HB2, Roll Call #135, 3/30/2011)

To be fair, he did vote for some gun freedom bills.  To also be fair, he also was rated a D+ by the NHFC (D Expected to always vote against gun owners’ civil rights).  Also, from NH Insider (Steve Vaillancourt) was the nugget that that Shawn Jasper was one of Gene Chandler’s leadership team that most often voted AGAINST the Republican caucus last session than with it – you can figure out what that means plain enough…

UPDATE: Let’s add more dismal news, shall we?  As a Republican, he came much closer to the bottom of the heap of House Republican Alliance scorecards for NH House critters than most:

Name Pty County Dist Town #votes HRA score #votes #votes %bills voted 2013 score
Jasper, Shawn r Hills 37 Hudson 81 71.7% 113 95.8% 118 76.8%


  • Skip

    Co-founder of GraniteGrok, my concern is around Individual Liberty and Freedom and how the Government is taking that away. As an evangelical Christian and Conservative with small "L" libertarian leanings, my fight is with Progressives forcing a collectivized, secular humanistic future upon us. As a TEA Party activist, citizen journalist, and pundit!, my goal is to use the New Media to advance the radical notions of America's Founders back into our culture.

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