“Do I have the best credentials? Probably not. ’Cause, you know, whatever. But I do have strong ties to this state.” —Scott Brown
I have listened to Howie’s Carr’s show in excess of 20 years and I’ve even called in a couple times. Howie is an icon and has an excellent show. He has a great take on Bay State Politics. Granite State Politics? Not so much.
Today, Howie writes a shill piece today in the Boston Herald, for Scott Brown. On one level, I get it. They are pals. Howie is all about Scott Brown. But on the other hand, Howie Carr lives in the affluent burbs of Wellesley, not New Hampshire. Sorry, Howie, love ya man, but this ain’t Massachusetts. This is the place, as Mike Barnicle once said, “the best looking females are those who trim their mustaches.” Yes, that is a nasty statement, but it is reflective of the Bay stater snub. New Hampshire “ain’t” Massachusetts and the Bay State culturally thumbs its nose at us. So now comes advice from a Howie… who makes, “eight-hundred large,” lives in Wellesley, and went to the esteemed Deerfield Academy, imploring unwashed Granite-staters, to vote for the Bay State Politician, who was licked by Liawatha, chiding is to let go of our, “spite.”Howie writes,
“If you don’t vote, or even worse, if you vote for Shaheen, you’re voting for Obama. And Harry Reid.”
That sentence alone speak volumes about the very metric and mantra of the entire Scott Brown Campaign, from its start to its uncertain finish. The Zombiesque-Brown followers have checkered Facebook, Twitter and other social media with that boring, ubiquitous, mantra. Sadly, this is the underlying template…the “whole thesis” of Scott Brown’s campaign. The television campaign ads, mailers, and facebook ads are all just mere Kabuki theater. Scott Brown has built his own Potemkin Village, and expected the voters to drink that Kool-Aid.
Back in June I wrote that Scott Brown had (and has) a Republican problem; an activist problem, and a gun problem. Those problems appear to be constant and unchanging.
Now three days out from November 4 and still we hear the monotonous gin “Not voting for Brown is a vote for Shaheen/Obama/Harry Reid.” Throughout this campaign, there has been little to no discussion of the Republican Platform or time-honored Republican Principles….not the second amendment or families or religious freedom or the economy or jobs. Scott has not answered questions on Obamacare, the second amendment, taxes, his votes, or his past record. Surrogates and minions are always on hand to tell us, “That was Massachusetts…”
His first strike came in his idiotic knee jerk statement about advocating for an assault weapons ban in the wake of the Newtown Massacre. His second strike was moving here from the Bay State. Although Brown could have easily overcome that aspect, (Notice the contrast between Havenstein and Brown) it was exacerbated by a less-than-transparent Scott Brown. “Carpet-bagger becomes the Crescendo.
Indeed, Brown’s utter lack of transparency has not endeared him to would-be voters. He appeared at a monthly meeting of Gun Owners of New Hampshire where his wife Gail Huff began yelling at an attendee. Brown went off track and did some serious side-stepping on gun issues, refused to sign the pledge to support the second amendment and mandated that no video or taping be done during the question and answer session.
Former N.H. State Senator Bob Clegg aptly points out, “One votes with Obama (Shaheen) 99%… The other votes with Obama (Brown) 78%.” A margin of 21% isn’t much of an improvement in a political climate in serious need of change. Thus, we all can concede that the election of Scott Brown’s, 79% of the time we will get Shaheen without Shaheen herself…If Shaheen wins…we get Shaheen. If Brown wins…we get “Shaheen light,” Analogous to eating a shit sandwich and arguing over wheat or white bread.
There are those who will hold their nose and vote for Brown. The “Massholes” moved here, squatted here or staked a flag in the ground….will likely vote for Brown, if not for Shaheen. But many Massholes coming here bring their left wing ideas with them. Lastly, there are those who simply won’t vote for Brown.
One certainty is the Gun voter. Brown failed to secure the second Amendment constituency. In fact, he has completely and irreparably lost the gun vote. Brown made a grim situation worse by failing to respond to the NRA-PVF candidate questionnaire, leaving him with a big question mark. Brown will peel off a few who don’t ascribe to the incrementalism argument, but If Brown suffers a close loss to Shaheen that loss may be attributed to gun voters staying home or leaving the ballot blank in that race.
If Brown loses this race, the New Hampshire GOP Establishment will point fingers at the, “Tea Party,” and the, “far right,” citing purist sensibilities. More Kabuki Theater…Voters accept that no candidate is 100% in alignment with his or her views. People vote for the candidate they trust and Brown in not trusted to adhere to principles of less government and conservative values. And all the time they are blaming, reflections and recollections beckon of the so-called “unity pledge,” juxtaposed against a factious establishment pointing at the Tea Party and the far right.
The New Hampshire GOP was complicit in propping up Brown, favoring others in the primary race where they should never have been involved. The Republican establishment is desperate and bereft of principles. They have lost their moral compass. Elections stopped being about principles a long time ago and became all about, “winning at any cost.” That ever ubiquitous mantra, “NOT voting for Brown is a vote for Shaheen” Has been said in likely in excess of 10,000 times…probably posted more that that and if three days before the election, you are still saying it, lets be frank: You people are in serious trouble.