Press Release: NH Right To Life elects Jane Cormier as new President


For Immediate Release

New Hampshire Right to Life
(603) 626-7950

New Hampshire Right to Life Announces New President

Merrimack, N.H. — The Board of Trustees of New Hampshire Right to Life is happy to announce the election of a new President for the organization. During its November board meeting, NHRTL trustees unanimously voted for Jane Cormier to serve as incoming President of the organization. While serving as a former representative in the NH State House for Belknap District 8, Ms. Cormier actively stood for life and small government issues. Ms. Cormier was the prime sponsor on HB483, a bill supporting informed consent requirements for abortions performed in New Hampshire. She also vigorously supported other life-affirming legislative bills and is well-known throughout the state as a dynamic and passionate speaker.

Ms. Cormier also has experience with non-profit sector management and will stand unflinchingly for the right to life from conception through natural death. In addition to writing a popular weekly column for the Weirs Times, Jane has a large network of supporters throughout the Granite State. “We look forward to having Jane become part of NHRTL. We know she will bring a new and fresh perspective to engage in robust dialogue regarding life issues here in NH”, says the NHRTL Political PAC Chair, Darlene Pawlik.

Former President, Kurt Wuelper, recently made the decision to step back from his leadership position at NHRTL. Having won the Stafford District 3 House Seat in the New Hampshire House of Representatives, Kurt thought it best to concentrate on his legislative duties. However, Representative-Elect Wuelper will stay on the board of NHRTL as an active board member and will also assist with the transition of the new NHRTL President. “The entire Board of Trustees extends their eternal gratitude to our faithful past President, Kurt Wuelper, for his six years of tireless service to the cause of Life. His sacrifice and commitment has been truly inspiring”, says Chairman of the Board, Mr. Bill Smith. Representative-Elect Wuelper has been President of NHRTL for six years and will continue to lead on life issues during the NH House 2015 session.

NHRTL will hold its annual March for Life Event on January 17, 2015. Ms. Cormier will be formally introduced to the community at this event and she will look forward to discussing NHRTL’s 2015 agenda with all in attendance.

New Hampshire Right to Life is a non-profit organization with a mission to foster respect for human life from the moment of conception to natural death and to promote the right to life as the paramount social issue of our time.


  • Skip

    Co-founder of GraniteGrok, my concern is around Individual Liberty and Freedom and how the Government is taking that away. As an evangelical Christian and Conservative with small "L" libertarian leanings, my fight is with Progressives forcing a collectivized, secular humanistic future upon us. As a TEA Party activist, citizen journalist, and pundit!, my goal is to use the New Media to advance the radical notions of America's Founders back into our culture.

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