Jim Geraghty over at the Campaign Spot has a great observation:
Perhaps the most galling line in last night’s speech:
I know some of the critics of this action call it amnesty. Well, it’s not. Amnesty is the immigration system we have today — millions of people who live here without paying their taxes or playing by the rules.
Yes, but before last night, they feared deportation. Which is the opposite of an amnesty!
And now, with Obama’s edict, they don’t have to worry about deportations AT ALL. For all of the bluff of “heightened deportations”, most of his numbers come from redefining deportation (the Left LOVES to redefine stuff to suit their purpose) to incorporate those turned away at the border. No, those are not “deportations” – just saying “you may not come in”. Deportation is when you have made it into country and have been here for a while – the more common usage of the term.
But now, with His Edict of a three year suspension of deportions, there is no more “FEAR” there. Getting an Obama issued green card (which will soon be as plentiful as Obama issued Obamaphone) and a Social Security card is pretty much the on ramp to complete Obama Amnesty.