Shea-Porter Votes NO on Jobs And Cheap Energy Again…and Jeanne Shaheen just joined her


Jeanne Shaheen Wicked WitchThe Senate just voted on the Keystone XL pipeline (aka, “Mary’s Hail Mary to save Mary Landrieu’s Senate Seat” – from the dude who WROTE the Hail Mary that is about to take her seat and contrary to her vote total (“I’ve got the 60 votes!”), it went down to defeat 59-41.  Her leadership (that would be Dingy Harry Reid and Dick Durbin) also voted against her – after allowing this to come up for a vote.  Nice, just nice.

But I am confused – I thought that to be a REAL woman, especially on the Democrat side, woman have to stick together, support each other?  That already makes Carol Shea-Porter a turncoat to wymens’ issues everywhere like Steve pointed out – does that mean she voted like a man?  But that’s not the only thing Steve brought up:

All of the Above, across the aisle, “New Hampshire First” Senator Jeanne Shaheen will have an opportunity to vote on this bill Tuesday.

Can guess what her DNC Narrative Homunculus will tell her to do?

For ALL of her talk of reaching across the aisle,  working with Republicans on common sense issues (I don’t know of a SINGLE common-sense New Hampshirite that DOESN’T want their heating oil / gas bills to GO HIGHER!) during her campaign, well, she must be reading out of that Democrat-only Dictionary again.  Did she carry out her campaign promises she gave to New Hampshirites?  Did she throw in and stand tall with Mary Landrieu in solidarity?

Or go all “Democrat”, enviro-wacko, back to the cave and a fire pit – and tell Landrieu “LOSER – I got MINE!”?  Well, here’s the NAY votes – nope to the Hail Mary (no political loyalty from this one) and nope to hard working NH families struggling with energy costs (cold hearted, too):

Senate nays-keystone

Guess all that Tom Steyer eco-money made a difference, eh Jeanne?

(H/T: Hot Air)


  • Skip

    Co-founder of GraniteGrok, my concern is around Individual Liberty and Freedom and how the Government is taking that away. As an evangelical Christian and Conservative with small "L" libertarian leanings, my fight is with Progressives forcing a collectivized, secular humanistic future upon us. As a TEA Party activist, citizen journalist, and pundit!, my goal is to use the New Media to advance the radical notions of America's Founders back into our culture.

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