I hope Belknap County Dems can sing “Wipe Out!” for the voters threw them ALL out


Belknap CountyYes, that old California rock ode to surfing – for it is clear the voters had had enough of the contentious bickering they brought to the Belknap County Delegation as they sat and bickered, sniped, kvetched, and yelled.  Sullen to yelling to waging lawfare against Jane Cormier and Collete Worseman when they couldn’t get their way.  Being in the minority, they proved that the Democrats are not just the Party for Government, they proved they were the Party OF and IN Government.  At all times, unlike the Republicans who saw overextending costs and a disregard for the taxpayers, they showed that in every case, their primary outlook was to never let Government be diminished and that employees are merely the victims of Government (got that straight?  Fer real, folks).  And sided with the 2 Republican and 1 Democrat County Commissioner (note: pretty much, in this fight over power, the 2 Republicans acted little different than the Democrats when I went to a few of the budget meetings).

They waged their fights in all venues possible including in the local media.  They were full of hubris as they figured that with all of this hooting and hollering, they had convinced themselves that the local voters would CERTAINLY reward them at the polls – after all, aren’t they the CHAMPIONS of the Aggrieved and Victimhooders??  The Social Justice Warriors!

Actual results?  Well, two of the three battling Commissioners either retired or was ousted – replaced by REAL commonsensical conservative Republicans Dave DeVoy and former NH Rep Dick Burchell (yay!).  And for the actual members of the Delegation:

Name Party Vote %
Fraser, Valerie GOP 52.00%
Dumais, Russell GOP 15.00%
Hurt, George GOP 15.00%
Vadney, Herb (i) GOP 14.00%
Aldrich, Glen GOP 14.00%

Name Party Vote %
Fraser, Valerie GOP 52.00%
Dumais, Russell GOP 15.00%
Hurt, George GOP 15.00%
Vadney, Herb (i) GOP 14.00%
Aldrich, Glen GOP 14.00%
Flanders, Don (i) GOP 15.00%
Tilton, Frank (i) GOP 15.00%
Spanos, Peter John GOP 14.00%
Luther, Robert (i) GOP 14.00%
Gallagher, Brian GOP 28.00%
Fields, Dennis (i) GOP 26.00%
Russell, David GOP 33.00%
Varney, Peter GOP 33.00%
Lebreche, Shari GOP 32.00%
Sylvia, Mike (i) GOP 30.00%
Comtois, Guy (i) GOP 56.00%
Howard, Raymond GOP 59.00%
Fisher, Robert GOP 52.00%

Yup, every single dang one of them – Republican.  And truth be told, I’d take that bet that would say that things will be a whole lot more calm this session – all of the bad apples are gone.  You see, voters can take pissy Progressives with their “holier than thou all of you for not accepting our road to Utopia” attitudes for just so long.  Sorta like “break glass when we forget”, bring them out for a while, and then dispose of them when they rise to the “Absolutely Annoying” level.

Those Dems last year went all out last year, picking fight after fight, proving the above – and now the electorate decided enough was enough of other people spending their money and giving them headaches.  They just wore out their welcome.

Note: Andrew Hosmer (D) was reelected as State Senator in District 7 which covers a lot of Belknap County.  He is, however, not part of the Belknap County Delegation – that is reserved for NH House Representatives.


  • Skip

    Co-founder of GraniteGrok, my concern is around Individual Liberty and Freedom and how the Government is taking that away. As an evangelical Christian and Conservative with small "L" libertarian leanings, my fight is with Progressives forcing a collectivized, secular humanistic future upon us. As a TEA Party activist, citizen journalist, and pundit!, my goal is to use the New Media to advance the radical notions of America's Founders back into our culture.

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