From CNN (reformatted, emphasis mine):
- 211,275 people who have more than $30 million in net assets in 2014 – a 6% increase (12,040 )
- 183,810 are men and just 27,465 are women.
- 68% of the men were self-made compared to 34% of women
- 13% of men fully inherited their wealth, whereas 48% of ultra wealthy women fully inherited their fortunes
- Their wealth increased 7% to $30 trillion in 2014
- U.S. had the highest number of uber wealthy
- Accounting for only .004% of the world’s adult population, they control almost 13% of the total global wealth.
- They spend a combined $40 billion on cars, $23 billion on private aviation, $22 billion on yachts and $8 billion on alcohol.
- Women’s average lifetime donation is nearly $31 million, compared to $24.4 million for men.