Campaign finance – another whack at Mayday PAC and Larry Lessig


Free speech under assault againI had put up a post here about campaign finance that in the grand scheme of things, the amount of money spent on campaigns PALES in comparison to what Americans spend on other stuff.  Jim Rubens piped in on a comment speaking up for such a thing to be applied upon our Free Speech because Fairness – I disagreed.  Anyways,  I caught these quotes concerning Larry Lessig (the Harvard Prof behind the Mayday PAC that spent money for Jim Rubens) from a bit ago (5 days – yes, almost an eternity in blogging time), bookmarked them, and didn’t do anything at the time:

Another reform advocate who has worked with Lessig said “The last thing that the progressive movement needs is another ivory tower egghead trying to play political operative and sucking up valuable donations and resources for his personal vanity project. For the sake of reforming money in politics, I wish Larry Lessig would please stop.” . . .

Behold the power of super smart people pursuing a boutique policy solution that the average American could not give a damn about if you poked them in the eye with it,” said veteran GOP consultant Rick Wilson about the group’s efforts.

And I think that last one pretty much sums it all up –

this stuff only matters to those campaigning and NOT to the average joe.  TMEW is the best person I know to ask about this stuff (mostly because she’s married to me and has to put up with all this political blogging stuff) – more aware than most but sometimes I know she wishes I’d stop and do something else (but she LOVES me and tolerates it).  She looked at the chart, rolled her eyes, and asked “did you pick out any programs tonite to DVR yet”?

Thus proving the second point.  And to the first, and to which I already responded to: I wish the Progressives (which includes ANYONE that thinks they should limit my Political Free Speech in ANYWAY) would just apply their own gags to themselves first.  I am tired that Progressives believe they know what is best for me – and then brazenly decide that THEY, those moralistic self-arrogant putzes, have the right to simply take choices away from me and go “there, there, dear boy – pick from list we have put before you”.

It seems like a whole of folks this election announced to these kinds of folks: “we are now part of the ‘Just Leave Us Alone Coalition’ – now do so .



  • Skip

    Co-founder of GraniteGrok, my concern is around Individual Liberty and Freedom and how the Government is taking that away. As an evangelical Christian and Conservative with small "L" libertarian leanings, my fight is with Progressives forcing a collectivized, secular humanistic future upon us. As a TEA Party activist, citizen journalist, and pundit!, my goal is to use the New Media to advance the radical notions of America's Founders back into our culture.

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