I guess this is, in part, the cover for Obama to start repatriating those Islamic fighters that have worked to kill Americans – after all, doesn’t “belligerants” sound more like just misguided people with an anger management problem? Such is the Obama Administration trying all of the linguistic tricks in the books in support of his EVIL (not misguided, EVIL) policy in letting dangerous killers free to go back to the battlefields to kill again – Federation of American Scientists:
When it comes to Department of Defense doctrine on military treatment of detained persons, “unlawful enemy combatants” are a thing of the past. That term has been retired and replaced by “unprivileged enemy belligerents” in a new revision of Joint Publication 3-13 on Detainee Operations, dated November 13, 2014.
Hot Air adds more:
In fact, captured terrorists went out of style a long time ago, so that’s not the actual change. Until recently — like, say, two weeks ago — the Department of Defense used the term unlawful combatant as the label for terrorists captured by American military and intelligence forces as a way to distinguish them from uniformed soldiers of a recognized state authority in a straight-up fight.
Talk about supporting your enemies?? Or is this a case where warfare is being overtaken by legalese – and what does that say about our capability about fighting those that could give a crap? Are we tying our own hands (after all, isn’t this what Government is doing to all of us?) when we best need them free?