From yesterday’s morning’s GrokTALK! – readings from the blogosphere Part 3

by Skip

ScottBrown4We’ve talked / blogged that we at GraniteGrok keep getting yelled at for not being behind the NH GOP push for Scott Brown.  Look, we just don’t think that he’s the right Republican guy for the job simply because he’s wishy-washy on OUR important issues – and those are not fringe ones but main stream Republican ones.  Simply hearing him proclaim that he’s the “Anti-Shaheen” and the only one that can beat her doesn’t make it – we’ve grown weary of listening to politicians whose words don’t match their actions.  We demand Champions, not second / third / fourth losers.  We have researched his voting records and they simply come up real short.

We also keep getting told that we HAVE to vote for Scott Brown to get rid of Harry Reid as the US Senate Majority Leader.  We do support planting Reid somewhere out in the Utah desert – he’s just as prickly as the other cacti out there.  But while the NH GOPpers keep harping that Scott Brown is just as important as he was as the 41st vote against Obamacare, well, even though he did vote that way, it became irrelevant now, didn’t it? He just isn’t as relevant to the US Senate majority as the NH GOP has been making him out to be (given his coronation right from the get-go).   We believe that this NH race will not determine Reid’s partial retirement (like Pelosi’s of Speaker) – we keep saying that there are other races that the national Dems, Rs, and media have easily said are much more important to this issue.  Yay, we’re #12….  Here’s the list (and RTWT for the narratives why – and it is from no right-wing outfit, either:

Six Democratic-held Senate seats that are most likely to flip

Below are the 13 most competitive races in the country as of today. The most likely seat to switch is ranked No. 1.

13. Kentucky (Republican-controlled
12. New Hampshire (Democratic-controlled
11. Georgia (R)
10. North Carolina (D)
9. Colorado (D
8. Iowa (D)
7. Kansas (R)
6. Alaska (D)
5. Arkansas (D)
4. Louisiana (D)
3. South Dakota (D)
2. West Virginia (D)
1. Montana (D)

So when we say other races are more important, we are not alone.  Yes, this post from the Washington Post is a week old – a middling amount of time – it hasn’t changed all that much.  The problem is that many of us see Scott Brown as just another incarnation of Charlie Bass or Jeb Bradley – never knowing when he’d be solidly behind Republican ideals or, once again, voting to FORWARD! the Democrat Agenda items.  Brown already and famously voted for the financial services version of Obamacare (Dodd-Frank) – and he has assured us, over and over, that he will not be beholden to the Party which I take to be the Platform.

And given that he is trying to “out Left” Jeanne Shaheen on baby killing and I’m not convinced that his Second Amendment stance is not solid – how does he represent ME?  And isn’t that what voting is about – what is the sense of voting for someone to represent me that really doesn’t represent me?


  • Skip

    Co-founder of GraniteGrok, my concern is around Individual Liberty and Freedom and how the Government is taking that away. As an evangelical Christian and Conservative with small "L" libertarian leanings, my fight is with Progressives forcing a collectivized, secular humanistic future upon us. As a TEA Party activist, citizen journalist, and pundit!, my goal is to use the New Media to advance the radical notions of America's Founders back into our culture.

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