Womens Defense League of NH: on Gabby Gifford’s Americans for Responsible Solutions not inclusive to all NH women


That would be that hack group that has been unethically (IMHO) attacking another woman, Republican Marilinda Garcia running for US Congress in NH’s CD-2 on all kinds of topics in absolutely execrable fashions (proving that Democrats only care about women that might vote for them but CERTAINLY not those running against them – hypocrites!).  Thus, proving that Giffords and her husband aren’t just about taking guns away from one of the safest States in the Union, but simply just another Liberal / hackorama group trying to masquerade as “practical” when all their actions scream “You need to be controlled!”.  But I digress – here is the presser:

WDLNH LogoPress Release: 2nd Amendment Women Left Out Of “Protect All Women” Discussion

October 15, 2014

Today Gabby Giffords and her group Americans for Responsible Solutions came to New Hampshire to meet with women leaders and discuss guns and domestic violence. They have named their tour “Protect All Women” except Giffords and her husband Mark Kelly have neglected to include all women in their roundtable discussion.

Since the Granite State was just named the “Safest State in America”, the Women’s Defense League believes that Giffords has simply come to a state she doesn’t know to push gun control legislation that New Hampshire doesn’t need or want.

By excluding women leaders who are on the forefront of training women — researching gun crime and violence and working with legislators on 2nd Amendment issues — Giffords and her husband show they are one-sided in their efforts and are not interested in addressing the real aspects of domestic violence.

It’s a shame that an organization such as Americans for Responsible Solutions, backed by billionaires with armed body guards, only seeks false solutions for those who wish to create more women victims through gun control rather than discuss honest solutions about how to end domestic violence and truly help women.

The League’s website is www.womensdefenseleaguenh.com. They may also be found on Facebook at Womens Defense League of NH and Twitter @WDLNH.

The press should direct inquires to
Kimberly A. Morin

For additional information, please contact


  • Skip

    Co-founder of GraniteGrok, my concern is around Individual Liberty and Freedom and how the Government is taking that away. As an evangelical Christian and Conservative with small "L" libertarian leanings, my fight is with Progressives forcing a collectivized, secular humanistic future upon us. As a TEA Party activist, citizen journalist, and pundit!, my goal is to use the New Media to advance the radical notions of America's Founders back into our culture.

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