Today Gabby Gifford’s and her puppeteer husband Mark Kelly were in New Hampshire with their gun control organization Americans for Responsible Solutions to push gun control. The tour is called “Protecting All Women” yet when women who aren’t far left wing gun grabbers attempted to sit in on the meeting, they were asked to leave.
Not only was the whereabouts of the meeting not announced until this morning but when the location was discovered and women who are for 2nd Amendment rights wanted to simply listen in on the conversation, they were kicked out of the meeting. Gifford’s group Americans for Responsible Solutions no longer announces where they will be pushing gun control on their website. According to NH Journal this morning in reference to the meeting and Giffords:
She [Giffords] will be joined by New Hampshire women leaders, law enforcement officials and domestic violence prevention advocates for a roundtable discussion.
Among those participating will be state Reps. Katherine Rogers, Sylvia Gale and Jan Schmidt, as well as Nicole Brooks of the Nashua Police Dept., Rose-Marie Balboni, a prosecutor with the Hillsborough County Attorney’s Office and Monica Zulauf, president and CEO of YWCA-New Hampshire.
Except Giffords wasn’t joined by all NH women leaders. There were no leaders from any women’s pro-2nd Amendment organizations invited. There were no NH women leaders from any of the gun owners’ organizations in the state. There were no women leaders from the Republican Party asked to the table and the very far left wing Zandra Rice Hawkins from Granite State Progress was invited.
Americans for Responsible Solutions, Gabby Giffords and her husband Mark Kelly are nothing but gun grabbing scam artists built of the same cloth as Michael Bloomberg. It wasn’t surprising to discover that the majority of the money the PAC has received has indeed been from wealthy people who employ armed guards to protect their families but don’t want regular women to do the same.
Giffords’ organization isn’t about women; protecting all women or even listening to all women. It’s about gun control with the end game being to ban guns. Not only does the organization blatantly lie about statistics but if they actually cared about ending violence against women they wouldn’t only focus on firearms. New Hampshire was named the safest state in the country. Apparently Giffords and her husband didn’t get the latest memo. They don’t live here; they don’t know Granite Staters and they don’t have a clue about the women in the state. They are in New Hampshire to push gun control legislation on a state that neither needs it nor wants it.
If Americans for Responsible Solutions was truly interested in ending domestic violence against women, they would use the millions they have reaped from billionaires with armed body guards and set up women shelters across the country to provide a safe haven for women who seek to escape their abusers. Maybe they could even spend that money on educating women. Giffords’ group isn’t about “protecting all women”; it’s about gun control, which will only create more women victims.
Cross-posted from Examiner