Trust – and Progressives lament that people won’t Trust Big Govt. Yet Another Example why


From Bearing Arms, this story of how Govt uses its Power to Crush on a person that simply knew the Law – and they didn’t:

Bullies have certain personality traits. Most are very insecure. They like to prey upon those that they feel are weaker than they are. They have long memories and thin skins, and look for an opportunity to seek revenge for perceived wrongs. So doesn’t the Department of Emergency Services and Public Protectionthe agency behind the Connecticut State Police—sound like nothing more than bullies in this instance? (reformatted, emphasis mine)

The commissioner of the state’s public safety department has filed suit against the state Board of Firearms Permit Examiners and a Derby man, appealing the return of the man’s pistol permit in what a state prosecutor had called “a nothing case.” Scott Lazurek, 36, of 21 Burtville Ave., was a security guard who had had his permit revoked by West Haven police in June 2013. Police had stopped him and a friend on the city boardwalk as they carried their loaded pistols in the open. Lazurek refused to show his permit, which he was later found to have with him. His friend willingly showed his permit. A charge of interfering with a police officer was dismissed in July 2013, with Assistant State’s Attorney John Barney telling the court that Lazurek “was just stubborn” and “giving (police) a hard time.” “It kind of was a nothing case. He had no record,” Barney said at the time. The state firearms permit examiners reinstated Lazurek’s permit on Aug. 1, 2014, after a hearing, writing that they had found Lazurek “to be a suitable person.” The commissioner of the state Department of Emergency Services and Public Protection filed suit Sept. 12 to appeal the reinstatement of Lazurek’s permit.

The suit is nothing more or less than a vindictive “contempt of cop” case, meant to punish Scott Lazurek for daring to know the law and his rights and insist that law enforcement officers follow the laws as they are written,  


not as they would like them to be. Pistol permit laws require citizens to carry their permits when they open carry a firearm, but do not require citizens to show those permits to police. Lazurek was aware of his rights, and rightly won his case as he broke no laws.

Sure, this is about the Second Amendment.  Better still, isn’t this a stellar example of  not “working” for the citizen?  Once again, Progressives keep telling us that the bureaucrats that inhabit our government are “benign and non-partisan”; this example exudes rapacious greed for power over others and no small amount of retribution”.  Once again, we see that once Govt has reached a certain size, it moves from being public servant to Public Master.  How else can you categorize the above behavior?

Once again, we see yet another Progressive grasping for a unwanted Utopia be nothing more than a dry, crumbling husk of.  So ask yourself – is this the Proper Role of Government?  To punish people because they knew the Law and refused to compromise on that Law?  This is a great example why Civil Immunity should be stripped from many of our Government workers – there is no accountability when it is impossible to seek redress from bad actors.


  • Skip

    Co-founder of GraniteGrok, my concern is around Individual Liberty and Freedom and how the Government is taking that away. As an evangelical Christian and Conservative with small "L" libertarian leanings, my fight is with Progressives forcing a collectivized, secular humanistic future upon us. As a TEA Party activist, citizen journalist, and pundit!, my goal is to use the New Media to advance the radical notions of America's Founders back into our culture.

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