Sad, very said, that a ragtag group of bloggers deal with video better than the NH Dem Party whose Chair, Ray Buckley, brings in millions. Sad state of affairs indeed, except we are WAY more motivated than he is. Got the following in the InnerTubes email:
Flip side after the jump. But it wasn’t David Boutin’s mug shot that got me – it was the website –!
Bad, bad, bad. Go ahead and watch the video there – seriously, if you don’t recognize the voice, how could you tell it was David Boutin. Ray, Ray, Ray; you tell me NO ONE on your staff can lighten that up – that GraniteGrok could put up better video from the same stock (here, here, here, and here)?
C’mon, you guys were dripping with cash – you couldn’t hire someone for a coupla hours for this? Your versions are HORRIBLE! After all, the videos of you bombing the Hague, playing with your zipper, and being the crude and lewd were quite clear and understandable – you certainly could have used those as standards, eh?
But those show your true Character as well, right?