We see his face on T-shirts all the time (especially on college campuses) as examples of “Communist Chic”. Viva la Revolucion! Problem is, he words quite pithily sum up the Left’s philosophy and THAT we should never forget:
“We reject any peaceful approach. Violence is inevitable. To establish socialism, rivers of blood must flow.”
– Che Guevara, Communist / Socialist, Cuban murderer
Unfortunately, our “Liberals” have gone illiberal with respect to true Western Liberalism theory – instead, they drift evermore towards the foundation expressed above. All one has to do is see how speakers that vary from the political correctness orthodoxy (e.g, Cultural Marxism) are treated on campuses – yelled at, screamed at, disrupted and otherwise not allowed to enjoy Western Liberalism’s pillar of Free Speech (and on what used to be the norm, the display and discussion of varying ideas) if not outright kicked off campus before speaking. And we see the Militant Gay Agenda in full force against people that disagree with them (e.g., Brendan Eich as just one example).
“This day brings awareness to the negative effects of socialism and what the ultimate goal of socialism is—conformity or death.”
(H/T: Townhall)