Got knocked off the air yesterday and today….glad to be back!
Setting minimum wages is one of the most effective tools in the arsenal of racists everywhere. South Africa’s racist Mine Workers Union discovered that years ago, saying, “When the minimum wage is introduced we believe that most of the difficulties in regard to the colored question will automatically drop out.” Of course the motivation for the minimum wage in the U.S. is different but effects are identical – unemployment for the least skilled and least preferred worker.
– Professor Walter Williams (Ph.D, Economics)
Not only that, they are thieves with their “we demand you pay more than what you should – simply to make us feel better about ourselves!”. And, in no small manner, being shills for their biggest monetary boosters – the unions. Why? Most union contracts contain an elevator clause – if the minimum wage goes up, their rates go up. Yet another case of incest between the two – we support you during elections, you get our pay to go up.
Pretty much all the Progressive whining about minimum wage is sheer political bluster (but they’ll never cop to that plea). It is always about “working families” – never mind that it can hurt OTHER working families – with them. Screw the teenagers who are trying to reach the ever heightening productivity gap artificially caused by the Dems – they don’t vote and the unions provide more campaign help anyways. (H/T: Café Hayek)