Update: We changed our voting given several Groksters now having had the time to talk with and research the elected history of Jim Lawrence. Effective immediately, we are changing our stance from declining to promote any candidate, in CD-2. We are endorsing Jim Lawrence based on his voting record, individual Groksters speaking with him, and his interview (late as it was in the Primary season) on GrokTALK! yesterday with Mike and Steve.
I also think it a bit hilarious that WMUR had to come to GrokTALK! to interview him – welcome MSM! Again, here is the GrokTALK! segment with Jim that Steve just put up – although not present yesterday, I am processing the livestream video and will put that up as quickly as I can here.
Please note: we are also issuing a Negative Endorsement in CD-2 for Gary Lambert due to his ad and debate accusations that we hold to be false. We may be hard on Republicans (sometimes, we seem to be the only ones) that don’t follow the platform, but it seems that Gary has ticked off a LOT of folks – even Establishment Republicans.
As I said here for our endorsement for Bob Smith (and for Andrew Hemingway for NH Governor and for Jane Cormier for NH State Senate District 16), we are being “stingy” this cycle – extremely so. We are only considering those that we believe to be not 80%, 85%, or even 90% – we want perfection. We as consumers demand excellence in the products we purchase – we at the ‘Grok are merely doing the same with candidates. (and we ask you all to adopt this view and not blithely “fill a hole”). True, we use our money for consumer products in determining “best value” – but our votes should be considered to be far more valuable as we get to “spend” only one and only at rare times. Not only that, while consumer goods are supposed to make our lives easier, many in public office believe it is their call to determine how we live our lives (“NH State Rep Leigh Webb (D): “The role of government is to legislate behavior““).
Unlike our previous endorsements, we are declining to give a GraniteGrok Endorsement for either of these two races – no one totally meets our expectations or has persuaded us that they would stay true to the principles we espouse. We had three categories: Endorsement, Like, or Ignore. Here is how our thinking went:
- In CD-1, the large majority of our voting yielded an Ignore (“Do Nothing”)
- In CD-2, it was also an Ignore result but only barely edging out a “Like” (“not an all out endorsement but we look favorably upon this candidate”)
Thus, we show we are not absolutely enthusiastic on our choices. Follow your hearts.