We here at GraniteGrok have blogged about the NH Senate Majority PAC – pretty much run by NH State Senate President Chuck Morse and NH State Senate Majority Leader Jeb Bradley – here, here, here, here, here and here for starters. I do wonder, given those posts and the others, if it really is (as it name connotes) trying to actually have a Republican majority in the Senate of good Republicans that stand for Party Principles – or is it just another group of self-righteous crony politicans that have been backslapping themselves over what they’ve accomplished contra the base (e.g., what Hugh Hewitt describes for DC transplanted here and writ a bit smaller for Concord): “but the elected GOP does not actually listen to what those grassroots are saying“, “The electeds are attempting to dictate“, and “downright indifferent via silence or openly hostile to much of what the grassroots holds dear“. Simple evidence to that hostility was their votes to establish Obamacare’s Expanded Medicare, the broad base Gas Tax, and the silencing of political dissenting speech (SB120).
They like their cronies – thus all of the expenditures on propping up with lies of omission on the most vulnerable of their clique during the Primary season (e.g, drunk Dave Boutin and Nancy “I don’t care what the US Supreme Court said – Medicaid Expansion HAS to be passed because it is the Law” Stiles. And this dismissal of anyone wanting to crash their little Senate Rogue Republican Party. It seems, from what I’ve been told, that the NH GOP invited all of the NH Senate Republican candidates in for a meeting…
So, all of the candidates (and some of their campaign staffs) show up at. Well, no, not all. One would have thought that the NH State Senate President, Chuck Morse, would have had the dignity to show up to congratulate those Republicans that decided to put themselves out there in the public’s eye. After all, he does not have a Primary to worry about – he could have been magnanimous, said a few pithy words, and shaken a few hands.
Or how about NH State Senate Majority Leader Jeb Bradley – one would have thought that he would have shown up as he doesn’t have a Primary either – and after all, he & Morse might be working with these fellow Republicans – you know all that vaunted “Republican Unity” that NH GOP Chair Jennifer Horn keeps a’preaching? Surely Bradley would have extended the hand of friendship and offered words of advise, if not in campaigning, at least words of what to expect if they gain a seat. Seems to be the right thing to do, right?
Er no. Not a single sitting NH Senate Senator bothered. Sure, I get that some of the incumbents probably resent the fact that these “little people” even dare run against them and wouldn’t show up – almost to be expected as politeness might have demanded it (even if the direct competitors chose to ignore each other). But no, not a single one – and certainly not the Leadership.
Yet, we hear the blather that the base needs to unite. Hewitt points out that the Elite love the idea of dictating. Sorry, that doesn’t fly – Loyalty is earned, not just given. Want a “united Party”? Try Loyalty downward first – and politeness, even showing up to a meeting with your competitors, may rub you the wrong way but the optics of this gathering rub US the wrong way. Politeness is part of Loyalty. Loyalty and Fidelity is part of Consistency. Which leads us back to my equation again:
Consistency breeds Trust which yields Votes
I’m not all that convinced, with the dismissal attitude of the Senatorial Elites towards what the base hold, that there will be a Republican Wave here in NH. If all the Party keeps doing is taunting those that would vote for them by themselves voting for the Democrat Agenda, how does that help us?
Or maybe they are looking for a name change for their PAC – as in the “NH Senate Republican crap we’re in the minority again and we can’t get up PAC”. A clue: you want to keep a Majority? How about actually trying to excite and enthuse the base and back candidates that, you know, support the base and the Platform?
Crazy idea, I know, but it might just work…because I don’t see the Rs keeping the Senate – you’re turning OFF the base.