In a lot of ways, the MSM has brought this upon themselves – plummeting ad revenue and dropping subscriber numbers. Part of it has been the Internet but to a large degree, and there are no small number of folks that would agree with me, it has been the ever leftward inching that the media outlets have been taking. In many cases, they’ve also been making sport of conservatives and those on the Right (and Libertarians) who have resisted the communitarianism of today’s “conventional wisdom” of Progressivism. After all, ask most journalists what they think of the three TEA Party Principles (and not the TEA Party itself) – you wouldn’t be able to tell the difference from most, and in a lot of ways the same talking points, from Democrat operatives / activists. When you insult, repeatedly, half your current potential audience, bad things happen. Like at the Telegraph:
Longtime Concord reporter Kevin Landrigan laid off by Nashua Telegraph
Newspaper decides to shut its State House BureauThe Telegraph of Nashua has closed its State House bureau, laying off Kevin Landrigan, a journalistic institution in Concord for a generation. Telegraph editor Phil Kincade in a memo sent to yesterday to the staff said that the decision to close the bureau, “part of the recent newsroom staff adjustments … was an extremely difficult to make, not just because of the hole it creates in our news coverage, but it also means saying goodbye to one of the Telegraph’s most loyal, hard working and respected employees.”
Been there, laid off there during the 80s as the minicomputer industry got “creative destructed” by first the workstation industry which, in turn, got obsoleted by the PC industry. It’s no fun and it does hurt. But no room somewhere else from what Kincade is calling their #1 employee?
Kincaid promised his staff that this would be the last of a series of layoffs at the Telegraph, whose staff has been cut buy a third since it was acquired out by Ogden Newspapers from Independent Publications in April 2013. Independent Publications is the same company that used to own McLean Communications, owner of NHBR, before it was bought out by Yankee Magazine a few months earlier.
“There are no other shoes to drop,” he wrote.
I’m not putting too much stock in that – with current trajectories, very few shoes will be able to resist obeying the Law of Marketplace Gravity. However, I hope he gets picked up soon – and we can continue to take issue with his writing from time to time. Wonder if he’ll end up with DiStaso at NH Journal??
In the meantime, Kevin, you can read the ‘Grok to see what is going on. I’ll even offer this – I’d welcome guest posts from you!